Reviews for Of Happiness
BS chapter 41 . 4/6
Such a beautiful story, thank you for writing it.
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 41 . 1/29
this is a great story. love it!
Guest chapter 41 . 5/3/2019
Lovely story so full of darkness and light I'm still watching the Show on DVDs and stories like yours keep it alive
Miniminichen chapter 41 . 8/9/2018
This was a great story, a very rare gem of good fanfiction, thank you for writing it and thanks you for sharing it with us.
lh89 chapter 41 . 8/24/2017
Such a wonderful story! I couldn't stop reading it and read it all in one go even though I should've been doing other things, lol. Love it. Thanks for writing and sharing.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 41 . 9/28/2016
I could not stop reading this thank you for a very enjoyable, sad in places happy in others and a very good read.
RBNHUG chapter 41 . 6/13/2015
Great story couldn't sleep till I finished. I don't think they would have given a child of theirs a name like Thomas for obvious reasons. Glad to have seen more words from Cho.
pumuckl91 chapter 41 . 3/15/2015
I loves it! Thought they were calling each sweet nicknames wee bit too soon though.
When you had Jane shot you almost killed me, I was really crying although I knew he was gonna survive. I loved how "realistic" it was! Realistic as in how I would imagine the story to continue. You did a really great job in describing the characters and making them alive!
LadyPetunia chapter 41 . 1/17/2015
I'm so glad I found this! Even though it's now 6am and I haven't been to sleep yet, it was totally worth it. Your characterisation was spot-on and everything felt so right within the context of the show. I'm gutted it's ending but I hope writers like you will keep the characters alive for a bit longer!

BTW, I love the name Ciaran and it does seem like a name they'd use.
STJ chapter 1 . 12/7/2014
Couldn't wait, so here I am, at the auspicious beginning of your "small post Blue Bird fic". Now I understand why there's "only" 3 Mentalist fics. Hats off to the lots of great work you've done in that short space of time since summer. And I'm sure this debut novel of yours is going to be very entertaining and gripping just like your other stories. Well done this first chapter, Thank you. Well, gripped, I am already, so I'm off again to keep entertaining myself by reading this. Till later then...
Guest chapter 40 . 11/10/2014
Wow! No matter how much crap someone has been through - they still deserve healing and happiness. You have done a wonderful job of showing lightness and darkness and the journey out of that darkness. Well done!
cygnus5342 chapter 41 . 11/9/2014
I liked the name and I loved the ending! Thank you very much for this lovely story! I hope you will write another soon! Greetings from Greece!
Bookworm1955 chapter 41 . 11/9/2014
Sound, Celtic name for a lovely child to grow into. So glad he 's introduced his first family to his second, why do I get the feeling that Charlotte will be young Ciaran's guardian...?

Well done for a first story in this genre.
Idan chapter 41 . 11/9/2014
So lovely to see Jane come full circle after all he's been through. A perfect ending! Thank you for bringing us this story!
zats chapter 41 . 11/9/2014
Enjoyed the chapter and sorry for the story to end. As they say, until next time.
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