Reviews for We Were Ghosts
Recreational Potions chapter 1 . 3/9
You do a good job creating a sense of loss without them being overly mopey or self pitying. The idea that everything is just great after the war never sat well with me. Especially for these two characters who feel it deeply yet are not going to want to show it.

I think them coming together like this feels right, a long interaction that grows into a comradery, then a sudden flare up of something more. The ball is perfect, snarky comments and one dance very subtlety means a lot more. I like how there is an unspoken understanding until the end.
Last2leave chapter 1 . 1/3
To use the words of my favourite potions master, this was... exquisite
Just, thank you! And I'm totally delighted we all get to benefit from your cousins birthday 3
smithback chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
umbrella911 chapter 1 . 4/21/2019
So beautiful! Thank you!
Filiafamilias chapter 1 . 2/14/2019
Wow, great writing! I think you captured the aftermath of the war, what that means for the place and the people in it where the final battle was fought, very well. Thank you!
AngelDragon1976 chapter 1 . 8/24/2018
Aww this is beautiful. Sad in parts, but definitely beautiful in the sadness. Love it.
And FOREVER chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
beautiful! they saved each other *.* another amazing story! you make this couple seem so natural and flawless! LOVE IT! after all these years, it's still my favorite of all time!
Jane Fan chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
Thank you for sharing this.
aelfwynne chapter 1 . 5/2/2018
Gah amazing! Thank you! The opening gave me goosebumps.. so much sadness and then in bustles SS with a snarl and everything is right with the world.. or as right as it can be ️
Blurred Memories chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Amazing title and concept, beautifully written! thanks for sharing.
Clarine chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
J'ai beaucoup aimé l’atmosphère d'après-guerre que vous avez décrite. Je n'imagine pas, en effet, que tout puisse reprendre comme si de rien était. La valse des fantômes, morts et vivants, image parfaitement cette période de deuil où on est là sans être là. Merci.
WeirdLittleStories chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
That was beautifully done. The first paragraph was especially chilling.

Learning to live a normal life after extensive trauma is hard. Rowling has said that the epilogue wasn't intended to be trite but rather to be a true measure of their victory, because living a normal life after what they'd been through was a measure of their courage and resilience. She skipped over the parts about how they GOT to that normal life, though, and much of what I love about HP fanfic is that so much of it deals with the aftermath of trauma. I love the delicacy with which you did that in this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
This is so poetically perfect! ️
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Nice work, ends perfectly like coming full circle. I was hoping for a bit of lemons but you know what, it ends perfectly. Well written and love your stories. I. can only hope that you still write or plan to at least finish your incomplete pieces. Anyway hope you are well and praises from this corner. Thanks for sharing.
clausumcormeum chapter 1 . 10/3/2017
So bittersweet.
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