Reviews for The Return of the Cursed Gift
Yee chapter 4 . 8/10
Tis but a scratch.
But sir, your head has ears!
garyzipperer09 chapter 20 . 7/11
garyzipperer09 chapter 6 . 7/10
I found an error in the quote "do you mind if I take a shower? I'm starting to feel as awkward as a Phyduck on a group of Kadabra.". (Psyduck is misspelled.) otherwise, good chapter.
Lonelyboi69 chapter 24 . 1/15
kinda sucks to see that you haven't been writing for like two years now, I'll miss your stories now that i recently found out how good of a writer you are!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chapter 10 . 12/15/2019
i almost died of cringe at the mom part
le sap chapter 8 . 12/14/2019
vewy tastw
english good chapter 6 . 12/13/2019
need i really clarify
Boo chapter 5 . 9/19/2019
I say either 1 or 5
a guy chapter 3 . 8/22/2019
pretty litty
papinrouge chapter 12 . 7/26/2019
Actually in french it would be reine de le scène not reine du scène. At least reine de scene could be ok but you just can't say reine du scène.
shemidreamer chapter 14 . 5/26/2019
i would have lucarios aura abilitys but to the point to 1.5X more aura then Jason did
shemidreamer chapter 21 . 5/25/2019
shemidreamer chapter 20 . 5/25/2019
kalos and braxen
shemidreamer chapter 19 . 5/25/2019
blasted onion fairy? PFFT! thats the funniest thing i ever read... almost
shemidreamer chapter 16 . 5/25/2019
to be able to travel unto my different universe selfs bodys(they wouldn't go into my body)
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