Reviews for Holy Angels Guard Thy Rest
AmandaBaker852 chapter 18 . 2/24/2019
This is fantastic. Thanks for posting.
Belen09 chapter 18 . 7/19/2012
Oh, you had me crying . . . but it is very, very well done. Thank You!
Newsgirl29 chapter 18 . 5/13/2009
think im going to cry now, that was wonderful!
Blueezy chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
I'm a huge sucker for angst fics but usually, I need a happy ending to be my light at the end of the dark tunnel. Unfortunately, this fic didn't have a happy ending. However, the tragic ending doesn't detract from quality of this story, which only goes to show the uncommon superiority of this fic.

*flashes a thumbs up* Awesome job on this!
TT chapter 18 . 8/4/2008
oh my friggin god this fic was so good and so sad and oh! i need to stop blubbering incoherently. You write such wonderfully poignant malcolm/hoshi fics!

and I LOVE all the flashbacks in the fic!

I thought I'd be mad at hoshi for making that bargain but then after some consideration, I decided i could understand her decision. She can't live without malcolm.

I wish malcolm hadn't died but the way he went WAS very admirable and heroic. (T_T) oh u need to write more malcolm/hoshi fics and this time, give the fics a happy ending!
HaxeOrdinary chapter 18 . 12/31/2006
This fic was truly incredible. I usually stay away from angst and probably will from now on because this one IS IT for me. It's perfect, as far as angst goes. I love your style of writing, the humor, the emotion, everything. I can see each of the characters perfectly the way you write them. I wish you'd write more Enterprise fics seeing as how you haven't in a while. Really amazing.
biro1 chapter 18 . 5/28/2004
Thats one of the best ff stories i have ever red...thank you and keep on writing (:-))

Fae chapter 1 . 3/27/2004
I'm so glad I found this on ffnet! I've been dying to comment on this story ever since I read it on LDnet. Fabulous. This story just took my breath away! _
T'eyla chapter 18 . 3/17/2004
This is the most beautiful R/S fic I've ever read, even though it's a deathfic. It's sad, funny, angsty, romance-y... you name it. Really really well written. Thanks so much.
...may I archive it at my Enterprise fanfiction site? It's still under construction, but I hope to be finished soon. If you're interested, I'd give you the URL.
Gabrielle Lawson chapter 18 . 2/23/2004
That was incredible. Start to finish. I liked the way the chapters alternated, one moving forward, the other moving back. And yes, the poetry of the chapter headings. I wish, very much, that Malcolm had had a different way, but it was so like him. If there's any romance couple in Trek I can tolerate it's Reed/Sato. You had me in tears with this one. Rolling down my face. Have you considered posting to .creative?
coldqueen chapter 18 . 4/27/2003
damn, now i'm going to cry, but what happened to t'pol?(had to ask, my fav charac, you know?)
Caro Iunia chapter 1 . 4/19/2003
I love this story. Every time I read it, my heart bursts. It is really sad. A very orginal story.

And it has a nice twist. Just before the climax, you have that "will he or won't he moment". It's a very hard thing to pull off, but you did so beautifully
Sarah Owen chapter 18 . 1/3/2003

I am practically in tears - god, that was good...
Mercurial1 chapter 18 . 12/19/2002
I loved this story and while I'm a sucker for happy endings, this was well done.
SW chapter 18 . 12/12/2002
I really liked your story, but what I truely loved was the poem that you wrote for the chapter titles. It was amazingly beautiful. As I kept coming back to read your updates, I'd read through the poem. I loved it, and I'm not really into poetry, so it's even more impressive! Well done!
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