Reviews for Silver Ashes on the Bloodied Field
li'l fat necrosis chapter 10 . 7/18/2015
He baby I'm tired and don't want to write but here goes a review!

'most people here could care less anyway' see, sweetie! people care! ;D if you can care less, you still care a littttttle bit. just kidding, i'm sorry, i'm trying to be funny

'ElementalEvolution is an amazing guy who was willing to write this summary for me, and for that I am grateful.' Thank you Meme for doing this because i needed closure

'meaning not SYOTs, tributes or this fandom in general.' you started writing smut like 48 hours later babe, i'm so proud

'Dark, thick mud covered the ground, and murky trench water lapped over the tributes' boots. The arena was alive with infectious bacteria and rife with large coils of barbed wire, where oe could easily find themselves ensnared in. Mass graves were also dotted around, some of them holding gravestones of past tributes that have long fallen to the hands of others.' you wasted a perfectly good time to use the word dank and while this was beautiful, i am hurt

'24th- Iris Acune, 13, District 6 Female:' IRIS NO BABY I LOVED YOU WHY

'22nd – Corban Dulvae, 17, District 7 Male:' okay good bye sweetie

'19th – Nyla Artone, 12, District 9 Female:As the bloodbath raged on around her, Nyla knew that she wasn't going to stand for anything. As usual, the fiery young tribute run up to grab some supplies, and lo and behold, she bumped into the boy from 5, Cress. Cress pinned Nyla down and stabbed her in the eye with his knife. All in all, Nyla's death was fairly simple. She felt the squishy mud cushioning her head as her brain shut down and blood flowed from her eye socket. Never would she see her twin, Amy, nor would she see her Father or Delilah again. But what more was there to life than working in the fields anyway? As her vision blurred, and she slipped away, Nyla could only wish that things had been different.' you two are sick fucks i am crying

'Kyler, the boy from 1, had always stayed off the radar, and out of the way of the other tributes. He heard people talking, and followed the sound of their voices to its source. Peeking around the bend of the trenches, he spied Maddox, Velion, and Rydel, all grouped together. He knew that he had to take them out. One step closer to going home…right?' i feel like this won't end well

'14th – Maddox Viatelle, 15, District Ten Male:
As Kyler rounded the corner, Maddox was the first to see him. Calling out a warning to Rydel, he scooped up Velion, and attempted to climb the muddy side of the trench. He didn't notice that Rydel had already fled, leaving himself and Velion to Kyler's spear. Maddox hauled himself and Velion up the side of the muddy trench, tossing his ally over the barbed wire, before trying to get himself through the tangled mess. Maddox and Velion had made their great escape…or had they? Maddox's combat trousers had latched onto some of the barbed wire, and as much as Maddox tried his best to break free, he couldn't. Kyler climbed his way to the top of trench, and looked at Maddox, almost in pity. After a short moment, Kyler stabbed Maddox through the chest. Maddox's last thoughts were of regret. His Mother had died to save him from that disease, but he'd died anyway. Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe he had always been destined to die.
13th – Velion Caden, 15, District Eight Male:
As the spear impaled Maddox, Velion knew that he was done for. Nonetheless, the career after him would have to brave that barbed wire in order to reach him. Despite not having any legs to walk, Velion still had a chance of escaping if he used his arms to drag himself away from Kyler. Panting from exhaustion, Velion did what he'd always done best. He worked quietly at what he was doing, dragging himself across the mud with what little hope and determination he had left. It was a gruelling process, dragging himself across the open space above the trenches, and it all seemed like he'd done far too much work to move himself a few metres. For Velion, it was over pretty quickly. Kyler got over the barbed wire in less than a minute, and soon after, Velion found the career standing over him. All it took was a single movement, and the spear entered his heart.
Two cannons fired, and Eevie looked up at the sky. Half of the tributes had died, and somehow, she was still alive. She was impressed that she'd been able to make it this far, but she pinned it down to her intelligence. Without her quick thinking and logical decisions, she'd probably be dead by now.
Jerard let out a soft sigh. Another two dead…leaving only 12 left. He was halfway there to going home. His foot twitched slightly. Jerard looked down at it. It had been very itchy recently, and for reasons he was unsure of. He had little supplies to deal with it now, and so, he'd have to deal with it later. Jerard mused over his actions in the bloodbath, feeling guilty over taking someone's life.' ;-; oh, i was right

How come Kyler hasn't taken any eyeballs, stay with cannon.

I'm not happy with the victor for a few reasons, but that's okay because hey, Kyler! But I agree with your choices, I guess. So, thank you to both you and Meme for finishing this.. best few weeks of my life waiting for it. :')
nevergone4ever chapter 10 . 7/7/2015
kolt wtf you legit stuck out your neck
rydel aw bbyg you did your best !1!
alexia... yeah im laughing

cant say im too happy with the victor but it was a fab ride while it lasted ;* ;* byeeeessss

ff will miss you but at least you're still here-here ;_;
SpaceAgeDino chapter 9 . 1/25/2015
Renata - She strikes me as a typical D1F, albiet a tad stronger. Her and Kyler being early birds will help them in the arena. Kyler's dark and mysterious, which doesn't bode well for the other tributes. Stealth will definitely serve him well when looking for easy targets. Anastase is a horrible hypocrite, but she's a D1 mentor after all.

Alexia - Her and Keiran are how I imagined them. Watching the reapings is always a good idea.

Corban - He seems to be learning that his previous life of loose morals has grown to define him. I respect him for wanting a change, but I doubt his resolve based on his insistence that he's "not that guy." I can't blame Eevie for wanting to distance herself from Corban, but she's not giving him much of a chance either.

Jerard - So he's a tribute who displays physical anger in response to his brother's death. It sounds like the slightest mention of his brother will set him off. He's an interesting counterpart for Namira. Regarding Namira, I liked how you hinted at her skillset and personality.


1) Jerard because I was curious about his character and how his rage compares to Namira's. With that said, Corban's POV was interesting.

2) I look forward to reading about all of the remaining tributes.


Like: Jerard
Neutral: Renata, Corban
Dislike: Alexia
bobothebear chapter 9 . 1/23/2015

short reviews rn so i can catch up on everything

Renata appears to be a /fade to the background/ type of character. Throughout the POV, she had one or two lines, so I'm assuming she'll uphold the same demeanor in training and whatnot. She could very well end up being our dark horse, so ay, still watching her!

Alexa seems to be the popular girl that will either die off in a blaze of dull, unlit flames at the bloodbath or be reduced to nothing in your typical downward spiral. Either way, I'm not all that attached to her, and I'm not really going to cry for her when she dies :/

I rather like Corban c: so he's got that trope of your player, but I like that he sincerely wanted to just get to know Eevie. I can't fault her, either, because logically, playing nice with the player isn't the best way to go. All in all, probably my favorite POV of this chapter c:

Let's be real; this archetype has been abused a good amount of times in SYOTs. The vengeful sibling volunteers to avenge his fallen kin. That being said, I'm hoping you've got something in store for him. I have faith!

Love: Corban,
Neutral: Jerard, Renata
Dislike: Alexia,
sunneh chapter 2 . 1/22/2015
dis iz sunlight comes creeping in for anyone who cares x

im laughing
im literally like 11 years behind im sorry

i was looking through my files and found a very futile attempt at reviewing the blog but i was on like alexia so i wasnt gon bother finishing it any time soon

im here now! i have been reading, i havent forgotten its ok
im just... rly bad at reviews
i hate me too

so like a have this list at least maybe thatll do
Love: -
Like: Renata, Alexia, Maddox, Rydel, Dalios
Neutral: Kyler, Cress, Orphrey, Corban, Velion
Conflicted: Kolt, Myra, Vendetta, Iris, Eevie, Lania, Milo, Bouvier
Dislike: Alpha, Keiran, Warrick, Namira, Jerard

i didnt want to be too mean but yeah ? i managed to have 5 likes im proud?

k bye i guess?
li'l fat necrosis chapter 9 . 1/21/2015

Respond to my Skype message, meanie.




I can't remember what i named half of these guys. learn to update, babe.

people who wake up early are generally the best people in my mind. I don't know how people sleep in, it just seems to unnatural to... XD Oh well. Anyway, Princess Ren-atatatatataatatata is just as good as i thought she was going to be. i love ittt. I'm not sure if Anatase is even a real human right now. Sometimes I wonder if right now she's just fucking with all of them and is enjoying it too much. i love it. kyle as my phone refers to him is so cool, he sounds like the type of boy who's been holding in so much pent up emotions for so long that the second he gets in the arena, he's gonna lose it and give everyone he meets these gruesome deaths and imagine they're all his past bullies. Princess is a bit pretentious though. The way she speaks sounds so arrogant, like she's trying to show off. I love it.

Alexia is a bore. KEIRAN MY SEXY BAE, IT'S OKAY SWEETIE, ALEXIA DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH BRAIN POWER TO USERSTAND YOU MY PERFECT BALL OF FLUF. seriously though, alexia sounds like she's the type of girl who'll fail a test, even if she was being told all the answers just a minute I like a slow D3'er, it's so boring and annoying to read as a character. Like those Dating Sims games. She reminds me of them so much and it bothers me so much. ALEXIA ISN'T ALLOWED TO EVEN SNOG MY BABY, HE IS MINE. I WILL CUT HER AND GIVE HER A AWESOME DEATH, I'LL KILL HER. I SWEAR I WILL, DON'T THINK I WON'T. MINEE. as usual, keiran is my perfectly perfect little angel. bae

Who's Corban? No seriously. I don't remember him from the blog or the story at all. This is really bad. XD Sorry, child! I might need to re-read it to rememeber better. I dislike you, Corban. I don't know, he doesn't seem like he's changed at all. Like, he's matured a bit and noticed what he's done, but has barely made an attempt at all to change. But still expects his family to see him differently. That's not how it works, kid. Believe me, I've tried and wanted it to. Him keep saying 'he's not that guy' makes me dislike him even more. The more you repeat it, the more you're just trying to convince yourself that you're not when you are. I can see him loosing it really soon, in the interviews maybe or with a ally after repeating 'i'm not that guy' so many fucking times. I like Eevie though. :) Still curious how she burnt her hand...

I have no idea who you are either. This is so bad. XDDD I blame you so much, Aspen. So, he's had a brother in the Games? Well, I like it. :P Even if it's a bit over- well, I haven't seen anyone use it in the last few months so I guess it's not really all that overused anymore? Maybe just retired. He's a nice character though, so he's cool. 'Its her eyes' - reminds me so much of kyler dear lord, i love it. XDD I like the girl too, from what I've read. While a bit stereotypical, but I think it woks so well for D11. Why is everyone naming their tribute's siblings, Gavin, or just as a character? SO MANY TIMES, SO MANY FREAKING TIMES. AS WITH URIK. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL WITH THESE NAMES? Whatever. I like his POV, for his age and maturity, it's perfect.

Faves- Princess, Jerard, Alexia, and Corban.

Idk velion

Do you even read my reviews they'll tell you

Byeee babe
SpaceAgeDino chapter 8 . 12/15/2014
Warrick - He's a character whose motivation is obscure to me. I admire him for understanding the grave peril he's in, but I don't think he's proactive enough to do anything about it if his decision to volunteer is any indication. Myra's portrayal as a liar was decent, but I'm finding myself disliking her somewhat. The mentors' divergent thoughts concerning Warrick were interesting.

Cress - I was not expecting him to be a hyper-intelligent. Smart tributes are among my favorites, but Cress takes it to the extreme. He's too intelligent for his own good, giving him an aura of arrogance and impracticality. I think Vendetta has a better understanding of the Games and will do better than Cress.

Maddox - Being analytical and observant when it comes to the other tributes will serve him well. He'll clearly be a strong contender. For the level of animosity and disagreement between Maddox and Bo, they are ironically more similar than they seem to realize.

Rydel - I really liked how different Rydel and Dalios are. For a pair of young tributes they are both very interesting and avoid the typical stereotypes.


1) Done

2) Rydel because she's adorable even when she's being unrefined. I also liked Maddox for his tactical insight. Warrick was my least favorite because he's bland and not very interesting.

3) Rydel and Dalios because they're both adorable young tributes with stark differences. Seeing their interactions was amusing.
bobothebear chapter 8 . 11/22/2014
Wick and Kesiah are about on the same level of mental stability in my eyes, and it doesn't really do them any favors that Myra and her mentor have their shit together. Bye, Wick.

Cress was interesting, but he wasn't novel, if you catch my drift. Fun to read, but to be fair, it's been done, rather often.

Maddy 3 u is bae

Rydel and Dalios are still flippin hilarious. Especially Dalios, haha. Snarky little child, you.

All caught up!
bobothebear chapter 7 . 11/22/2014
Maddy :3 Ten was rather abrasive in its response to the reaping, but I suppose that's what you'd expect, anyway. Love what you did with Maddox!

If I had to guess, Namira would go far, seeing as how much you focused on her in the POV. The boy...I already forgot his name. Again!

Twelve was great. I adored Dalios and Rydel, so different, but practically one in the same, too. Loved them!
bobothebear chapter 6 . 11/22/2014
Seven was odd. Not sure who Ymir is, but I enjoyed reading Juno's independent-to-a-fault mindset. Eevie didn't stand out much, but I suppose it's clear that Corban was meant to star.

Aw, District Eight. I wrote from the exact same POV for Five XD LOL, it was cute as to how Ophelia reacted to Velion's sentence. Yeah, he's screwed.

Nyla and Milo were both rather dull, but to be fair, it is just a reaping. Ivoire has a rather odd relationship with her son, now doesn't she? ;o
bobothebear chapter 5 . 11/22/2014
District Four with Kesiah was great. Loved his outlook on the Games and everything, and it was pleasant to see the after effects of the games. Myra seems interesting, but I can't say the same for Wick.

Yeah, Five is doomed. Cress and Vendetta aren't bad by any means, but with a mentor like that, I see a small chance of them making it back.

Same goes for Six. Especially for Six. Orphrey, I remember being a standout from the blog, so I'm holding onto that, but
bobothebear chapter 4 . 11/22/2014
Catch up time!

So definitely biased towards D1, so I'll just leave it at I'm intrigued the path you've taken with Kyler. Renata seems typical, but I still have high expectations for her!

District Two came across as your everyday tributes, minus the whole /elaborate/ backstory on Alpha, so there's that. Kolt seems pleasant.

District Three was rather...interesting. The girl seems to suffer from bipolar disorder - wailing, then coming across as calm, almost. The boy...well, he's courageous, I'll give him that!
nevergone4ever chapter 8 . 11/15/2014
C'mon Kitty, you can't be first twice -.- gimme a breakkk

now that i'm done picking bones with a certain grandmother feline...

leggo ;D

Wick- ew pls no. Everything about him just rubs me the wrong way, and I can't stop imagining his pitiful little beard.

Cress- again, ew pls no. Why is he so technical? What the heck do all those big words mean, why is he so good at math, why is Vendetta such a heated piece of toast, why, why, why? I mean, cool, good for you, you know your odds for victory, but he's a stupid little braniac and I don't like him.

Maddox- b-e-t-t-e-r. Who's Ellie? I'm curious to whether she's a friend, crush, girlfriend, sister, aunt, or even a dog. ;o Iris IS NOT DITZY STOP IT MADDOX PLS. and he's small? :DD this is getting better, mucho better. KOLT IS A CHILD AND ALEXY IS AN IDIOT AND RY IS A BB, HOW AMAZIN'. Tbh, Bo needs a chill pill and Maddox is already chill as a smoothie so I'm gonna leave it at that.

Ry (i can call her this bc she's my lil bae)- hey bby i seriously love dalios, worrying about his dad, hregujsd how adorable xD you go rydel coco and win for me bae ;D

chart time:D

Firstly, the Freak: homeless orphan who ne'er eats
Like: Maddox
Dislike: Cress
Fear and Loathing: Wick

Which district pair did I enjoy most? Ugh don't hate me for being bias but D12? Dalios is so polite and a mini gentleman and here's the resident baboon just gnawing away, Thanh makes it all the better, yaaaah.


okay you're welcome for being charismatic

byeeee :*
li'l fat necrosis chapter 8 . 11/9/2014


please let me be first





okay, im better now

AWWWWwwwww, wickky the second guesser makes me want to cry. ;-; Second guessing really sucks and I completely understand where he's coming from, it's really nice in a character actually. I really do like it. I feel for him with his mother too. Seriously, I just want to wrap my arms around him and tell him that everything'll will get better, that he's done the best he can so far. I love the guy so much so far. :( I hate this, I'm gonna cry when he dies, I know it. WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM, I'M REALLY CURIOUS RIGHT NOW AND THEN THERES SHIT PERSON CALLED MYRABITCH. I HATE HER SO MUCH, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER? What the fuck..? WHAT'S WITH THAT LAST ENDING ASPEN? WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? HE ISN'T ALLOWED TO KILL CIRCE? KEIS YOU DUMBASS, YOU AND CIRCE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING, WHAT IS GOING ON? SOMEONE EXPLAIN I DON'T LIKE THIS ONE BIT NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE.

I like Cress too much. He's fucking weird as hell, but I like him. Creeps me out a bit too. Bit of a nilhistic too, huh? Thats okay though. I really like characters like that. :) He's still a bit creepy though, I don't really like him. He's great though, but still a bit of a creep. AND HE KNOWS BIG WORDS, fuck. Vendetta puts it best, he's too smart and knows too many big words for his own good. He also sounds a bit overconfident, like, he's basically the depressed, overconfident genius you'd see in real life. Agh, whatever.

MADDOX AND BO, VELION'S LOVER AND THE UH... bo? Fuck, i don't know yet. BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT YAYYY! THE BAESSS. I really like how he's playing it, it's pretty realistic in Panem. Pretending not to care when he does. Anthe is the best mentor ever. XDD She's literally the best mentor. I'm curious to know who Ellie is though- his girlfriend? His sister? His mom? His guardian? Maybe his pimp? Oh well, we'll find out later. ;D SO MADDOX IS A TINY LITTLE THING, HUH? AWWW! OR BO IS JUST A HUGE GIANT IN PaneM. This cute little verbal pissing match they have was really, really cuteee! I really like the watching of the games, it's really nice and I love itttt. AND THERES THERES VELION WHO ACTUALLY SHOWED EMOTIONS, FUCK YES. I LOVE ITTT


SORRY BABE. I don't have time to answer questions.
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 8 . 11/9/2014
Heyyy, Minho! I get so happy when you update okay, so thanks for the new chapter!
I love the tributes you chose for the Train Rides chapter - they're all interesting in their own special ways and it's quite entertaining to see them interact with their district partners for the first time without the cameras.

Wick- Uh, I'm not sure about Wick. He didn't train, but he's a volunteer? There's a reason behind this, but I'm afraid it's something overused and expected of a Career. I hope that's not the case because I actually see some potential in him. He's feeling regretful, and I wonder if this regret will either linger at the back of his mind or consume throughout everything leading up to the Games.

Cress- Oh my, we've got Jimmy Neutron competing in the Hunger Games! lololol Distrivt Five has to be my favorite district pair solely due to that conversation and Vendetta's last line. His views on others people and the essence of life in general was interesting to read about. I think Cress will find it quite difficult to interact with the other tributes due to his pendantic and haughty demeanor. But I'm pretty sure that wouldn't matter if he just allied with Vendetta? Boy I'd love to see that lol

Maddox- Maddox is pretty impressive, I must say. He's already started on strategies, sorting out what the Capitol will or will not like in a tribute and it's nice to see that fire in a Non-Career. I also think he'll be the non-Career to beat, as he'll definitely be active before and during the Games. This guy is going to make it far.

Rydel- I love Rydel! She made me laugh a lot in her section and everything about her is lovely, even if she doesn't appear so to her mentor and escort. She's so blunt and open about everything that it's really cool to see in a twelve year old. And Dalios' reaction, though :P

I liked Rydel the most, Wick the least. I enjoyed reading about the District Five pair the most :)

Oh! I forgot to list the order of tributes and mentors! Here you go :)



Great chapter, Minho! :D
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