Reviews for Obstruct (A-Z Story Game)
brennakai chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
That was really sweet!
Crysta1Dark chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
This story was really fun!
kalmaegi chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
Hahaha! Kuon you chicken. Also I love how you incorporated one time character like Miss Kamio in this. Also, Momose-san and Ogata-san are so perfect together, I'm glad you thought so too!
DevoneBrieWiy chapter 1 . 3/17/2015
Hi... Nice story by the way, your whole stories if I may add XD and you know what? Most of your pairings in Skip Beat fan fics are my type of pairings too(not to mention Kyoko-Ren because they're the leader off course) if I had much time to write any stories :(
And yeah, I kinda thought Momose fit Ogata, though Yashiro-Kanae still my hilarious pairing so far XD

Warm greetings ;)
claraowl chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
Awwwwwwwww on SO many levels, Neh-san! SO many levels! xD
I loved your portrayal of the Ogata and Momose. *happy sigh*
Hurrah for secondary character love and Rosa!
Shiroyuki76 chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
This is well written, as always you have great interesting plots like this. It's nice one shot and I like the pairing although i think director Ogata is probably at least 8 or so years older than Itsumi Momose.

One thing I should point out. Ogata's first name is Hiroaki not Hiroki. At first I thought it was a typo but it was repeated throughout. Also Momose I believe is a her last name, not her given name. That's why on the set, she was called Momose-San by Kyouko and Ren. Those 2 addressed most people with their last names honorifics. Ogata is the same too, he called her Momose-San because it's her last name. So for him to switch to given name, she would have offered to be called Itsumi.
Matelia-legwll chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
Brilliant! Really good job! I loved that you even included Kamio Kimiko. And this is such a well-written piece, all the requirements blended in and made complete sense. Hehe. I love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
Aaaw that's so nice... Didn't expect to have an ogata x itsumi pairing, I enjoy reading Others' POV regarding kyoko and kuon. Thank you!
Setsuka e Cain chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
Primeiro, FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO! Putz, quero um pedaço desse bolo de aniversário (risos)! Segundo, amei a one-shot e ri muito com a sua imaginação para a proposta do Kuon. Sério, só de imaginar a cena me traz lágrimas aos olhos de tanto rir! Estou louca para ler suas outras fanfictions! Parabéns!