Reviews for The Bloody Leash
Guest chapter 15 . 11/8/2014
This fic is beautifully written. I love how you humanized Nui and gave her a proper redemption!
BrazeRancor chapter 15 . 11/8/2014
I'm surprised that Nui didn't immediately give Ryuuko the other Scissor half though I guess the fear of being immediately stabbed by it probably had something to do with it.
BrazeRancor chapter 14 . 10/22/2014
Man, Nui and Ryuuko's reunion will be a bloody and painful thing. Nice work so far.
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 14 . 10/17/2014
Another great chapter. I think you hit the right balance between Satsuki accepting Gamagoori's word and Satsuki continuing to mistrust Nui. I wonder what will happen when Nui finally encounters the girl whose father she killed.
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 12 . 9/24/2014
When this story started, I never would have guessed how sweet the relationship between Nui and Gamagoori would become. I'm glad she's found happiness ... at least for now. In a way, Hoomaru now seems like the most tragic character, caught between her conscience and her loyalty to Ragyo. Another good chapter.
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 11 . 9/20/2014
Yay, she's finally escaped! I was waiting to see when that would happen. Now that she's with Gamagoori, will she also run into Mako, Satsuki, etc.? (I wonder how they'll react to her.)

By the way, when you wrote, "she was committed to several executions and COVER conversions", did you mean "she had committed several executions and COVER conversions"?
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 10 . 9/14/2014
So sad... To be honest (maybe I have bad reading comprehension), I sort of thought that the attitude of Gamagoori-the real Gamagoori-toward Nui was softening, though I guess I'm not surprised by what happened after Nui completely removed the Life Fibers.
Terrence Noran chapter 9 . 9/8/2014
Really like how you elaborate Nui's struggle here. Although, in my version, she's only recovering in terms of family...not herself.
Terrence Noran chapter 8 . 9/2/2014
Isn't heracy supposed to be heresy?
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 7 . 8/28/2014
Another great installation. Will we get to see Shinra-Koketsu in action in later episodes? Will Satsuki and company show up for a final battle?

One thing I don't understand is Hoomaru's motives. Is she trying to help Gamagoori just because she thinks helping him would be best for Ragyo's long-term plans? (She did say in chapter 6 that if they didn't stop Ragyo from beating Nui, then they would lose both Nui and Shinra-Koketsu.) I mean, since Hoomaru is loyal enough to Ragyo to help her destroy humanity, it doesn't really make sense to me for Hoomaru to suddenly turn against Ragyo. Anyway, I guess my questions will be answered later on.

I can't wait to see what happens next!
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 5 . 8/25/2014
I was hooked on this story from the beginning, and I've only grown more captivated with each chapter. I'm surprised by how much you've made me care about Nui. The emotions in the story seem very real. Also, you did a great job portraying Ragyo's cruelty in this chapter. Please keep updating!
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 3 . 8/24/2014
I'm enjoying this story a lot. The relationship between Nui and Gamagoori and Nui's conflicting emotions are really interesting.
dfdocmhacomco9034u0rjvm4 chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
This is a great first chapter; it already has me hooked. The way Nui breaks Gamagoori is chilling and totally believable (given Nui's character).
someone chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
It's pretty good keep it up!
2 lazy 2 log in chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
Omg Nui scares me so much .