Reviews for Firsts
godspeed83 chapter 5 . 3/24/2019
I feel like a better secret for Hiccup to reveal would have been "It doesn't matter how far we've come, or how far we'll go, a part of me will always hate all of you, because of the way you treated me before we had dragons. Also, Astrid, if you hadn't showed up in the cove that day, I would've taken Toothless and left, and never looked back. And I wouldn't have regretted it either." I feel like this would have been more appropriate, considering this is supposed to be a more grounded version of Hiccup and Astrid. Specifically, due to the idealistic nature of the movies, it makes it seem like after the Battle with the Red Death, Hiccup just forgives everyone just like that. Also, due to the fact that a person's childhood plays a major part in what kind of a person they become, I feel like the bullying and abuse at the hands of the other villagers would leave a lasting impact on Hiccup's mind. In the movie when Hiccup tells Toothless that they're leaving, it's easy to tell that Hiccup wasn't joking around. Just my thoughts
Guest chapter 6 . 12/29/2018
I hope you’re writing full time now. This is probably the best fic I’ve read on this website, ever.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/2/2018
THIS. WAS. INCREDIBLE. Look... okay, there is only one way to describe this. THIS FANFICTION WAS BETTER THAN SEX
HerMadnessMac chapter 6 . 5/11/2017
I've just finished this fic for the first time, and I have to say that it is a breath of fresh air. What usually sticks out to me in a story is the characterization and not once did I feel Hiccup/Astrid's actions or words feel out of place. It makes sense to me that Astrid is slower to forgive just like it makes sense that Hiccup would feel so betrayed by Astrid keeping secrets (like when Astrid didn't tell Hiccup Heather was on their side in RTTE).

I also think you did a GREAT job incorporating a peak at their physical relationship without taking away from the overall plot (yes, I did read your three one-shots to get a better sense of the build-up). PWP has it's place, but I'd like to think that generally readers are looking for "M" stories that are "M" because the characters themselves are maturing and facing more mature situations? Maybe?

Anyway, thanks for the lovely read!
Just7111 chapter 6 . 10/19/2015
Really enjoyed reading this hope to see more in the future
Guest chapter 6 . 4/30/2015
this was good in really examing hiccup and astrid fixed their problems- because they do have a lot of problem. It's pretty fluffy, actually
Fufucuddleypoops chapter 6 . 10/8/2014
I'm legit stalking youuuu! Omg! I have almost read all of your stories! Love them!
XxHeavensXAnglexX chapter 6 . 10/6/2014
I really like this it really make's you feel like it completes HTTYD 2 well XD
StefWrites chapter 6 . 9/23/2014
So I first read winters gift (which I love so much) and then I found out there was more that went before it! So I freaked and began reading right away! I love how true you are to the characters. I mean I could see this being apart of the movie or something (wishing it wasn't a kid movie). Haha! There is only one word for this. PERFECT! Oh my gosh I have enjoyed every single bit of this and the rest of your works. I am telling all my HTTYD fans about your fanfiction! I mean I was thinking about this story. all day. You're perfect, amazing, and I'll read anything of yours. Now onto Growing Pains! (:
TheOrichalconThief chapter 6 . 9/21/2014
Here we go, I finally finish this wonderful piece of writing. And nope, I have not missed out on chapter four...not sure why anyone'd do that, anyway.

Great, sneaky way to go, Astrid, and yeah, the way you ended this - priceless, really. Priceless. Now I'm totally gonna read your other stories. You make me addicted :D
TheOrichalconThief chapter 5 . 9/21/2014
I totally love the dialogue between Hiccup and Astrid sometimes.

I liked the whole "secrets coming out" thing and especially that Hiccup mentioned Astrid's attitude towards Valka. Poor Val, so unused to humans around her.

I saw Eret as a minuscule threat at first, too, until someone posted a collage on tumblr of Astrid and Eret icons and wrote "total bromance." I had to agree. I mean, when Eret kicked those trapper's asses, and Astrid frowned approvingly at him, jerking her head, I thought "if she were more 21st century style and not in shackles, she'd totally fist-bump him now." So the dynamic there is quite awesome.

But yeah, great to see this argument develop and unfold - and for both to try and resolve it. Always a tricky thing, I believe, making it sound realistic. You did a great job.
TheOrichalconThief chapter 4 . 9/21/2014
I totally love the fact that you took my friggin' favourite line from SW - ESB. Loving the feels.
TheOrichalconThief chapter 2 . 9/21/2014
Wonderful second chapter.

I find it curious how you designed Valka's relationship to Hiccup, and also Astrid. It's very different from what I'd imagine but it still has a nice, realistic side to it. So I'm interested as to where that'll go, too.

And of course - Hiccup's suit is a disaster machine, no doubt, and I just hope that Astrid will come in time to save his poor behind :P
TheOrichalconThief chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
I already mentioned before how I view the topic of Astrid's tactical error, for it wormed me afterwards too. I do believe, however, (just on a note before I continue reading your story) that not much would have changed really IF Astrid had not done anything. In the worse case scenario, she would have been killed instead of Stoick - one way or another, Drago had the Bewilderbeast, and Valka's beast lost. He had reign, and he would have used it on any other dragon no matter where and when he would have. If on Valka, or Hiccup, or whomever. I always "like" to believe that it was a mix of errors from both Hiccup, Astrid and even Stoick. And an underestimation of the situation, understands. I'm not criticizing your view, by the way, you just motivate me to throw in my own feels about the situation, as I liked HTTYD2 A LOT - it left me shocked, and emotional, and sleepless for a night and a half. That's why I like to talk about it :)

That aside, and now having read the first chapter, I like it how their first time seemed a little...complicated to Astrid. Makes it more realistic, and puts a slight tension towards it. We all like to see our favourite couples struggle before they get their happy ending.

You mentioned Drago probably still being alive. Another thing where I wondered if he will reappear in movie 3 - as well as the Bewilderbeast. I like that we think similarly about the movie, as I have talked to many people about my theories and feelings, especially concerning movie 3, but not many understood...

Great first chapter, really, I'm excited to see where this is going. And sorry for these overly long reviews, I will cut myself shorter from now on :)
ParadiseAvenger chapter 6 . 9/1/2014
I really liked this story. I'd love to offer lots of constructive criticism, but there isn't really too much to say. This was fantastically written, had great grammar and spelling, good punctuation, and everything was very readable. The plotline was great and I loved the dangerous dragons and baby Nadders. It definitely needed that little bit of a push at the end. Kudos to you!
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