Reviews for A Dance for the Night
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2017
NOOOOOOOOOO! Why is this only a one shot!? Loved it
ChessHatter chapter 1 . 4/29/2015're positively evil, you know that?
Any chance of a second chapter? Pleeeaaaase?
From Thessia To Rannoch chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
OMG. Entertaining all the way through. I must know what happens in the aftermath of that first Koss I'm the middle of the ball (by the way, how Orlesian of the imquisitor)
Korderoo chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Oh please go after her Cassandra!
ruru chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
So I may have read things opposite to what's supposed to be the normal order(I read 'Gift for you' first and this, last).

By god(or should I say maker?), you should replace the DA:I writer who likes to create the lesbians in-game as evil(that evil lesbian trope) - it's why Sera's characterization is all over the place.
Noverian Rum chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
Adorable. Just adorable :3
SpecH82T chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
You know your a great writer! :)
Besides Cassandra is great! :)
Too bad they made her male only in inquisition! :(
SerraShaar chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
Awww that was so romanticos..I want more T.T
deathcurse chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
Aw, a great fic. I liked how you handled the new companion characters; you wrote them sparingly enough so that although we got a strong sense of individual character from each of them, you didn't have to do too much speculating beyond what's been revealed about their personalities. Cassandra though, has had enough exposure to fairly accurately depict in more detail, which you did very well.

I enjoyed the bit about the advisors too, not only because it shows that the Inquisitor cares about her people a great deal, but each action shows what kind of person they are: Leliana more of a quiet, lone wolf in DAI, Josephine as responsible, and Cullen as dutiful.

The dance was sweet, and I laughed at how Kathryn managed to wheedle Cassandra into dancing with her. Sera as a wingwoman is funny and fantastic P.

The POV shift in the middle from Kathryn to Cassandra was a bit jarring, but I really liked it. It showed the softer side to Cassandra, and also let us see the Inquisitor (especially since she is an OC) from a different perspective. It's also a bit sad, since the Inquisitor is clearly trying to take advantage of a quiet moment before more chaos comes down on them.

Overall, I love what you did here with these characters, and I like your Inquisitor's playful personality ). Great stuff!