Reviews for Canopus
Nelle-ct chapter 15 . 5/10
First of all, I love this story. I love the stark contrast between Stella and Setsu but yet they are (in Setsu's case) inherently the same. I love how the story had her finding herself and I really feel like it goes well with the coming-of-age theme of KHR.
Admittedly, I love Setsu more than I do Stella because of how relatable she is in terms of her reactions thanks to the way she was raised. I really felt for her when it seemed like everyone preferred 'Stella' over 'herself' while there she was struggling to overcome her identity-crisis. Personally, I was wondering if there would be a confrontation between Setsu and Squalo over her choice of "identity" even though inherently she is both and yet just herself. I don't mean it in the way of being antagonistic but perhaps in a way that's just him wanting to cling onto his sister and not just her reincarnation.
When I was reading up to here, I was honestly really hoping for Xanxus and although I like Mukuro a lot still, it did feel like a curve ball to find out that they're married. But that makes sense because a lot happens in 10 years. Reading more interactions between the TYL!Mukuro and Setsu though has me leaning towards them now (I'm sorry Xanxus!) because I feel like he's more accepting and supportive of Setsu (even without the Stella of her being pre-dominant since everyone in the future seemed to call her TYL!Self as Stella.) I feel like Setsu x Mukuro and then Stella x Xanxus is the way I ultimately chose who I shipped.

I'm not sure if you ever plan on continuing but I just want you to know I love your writing! (I've read a couple of your other works: the one about Tsuna's half-sister(?) and Polaris (I believe I also read Sirius while it was up?) and the Uchiha Izumi as a reincarnation.)
Guest chapter 15 . 2/3
Wow. This was deep
Guest chapter 4 . 8/3/2019
Guest chapter 3 . 8/3/2019
Guest chapter 2 . 8/3/2019
I really REALLY just want to bundle them up and tuck them away somewhere safe, it’s only going to get worse from here no?
ChaoticMinds chapter 15 . 10/8/2018
Welllllllll, I mean, Yuuto COULD still be mist guardian. He just needs to take those memories and keep them in mind as an example of what NOT to do. Learn from them. Get stronger from them. And he'll be better for it.
ChaoticMinds chapter 10 . 10/8/2018
Poor Xanxus... But dang, man... I honestly don't know who I should root for. But then, I wonder if those two people will still end up liking her like that in the past(where they go back)?
ChaoticMinds chapter 7 . 10/8/2018
Lmao, I can just imagine that omake happening in Tsuna's house. xD It seems Yuuto and Tsuna are the most normal members of their group. -snerk-
ChaoticMinds chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
Oh shnaaaaaaappppppppp! I called it! x3 Can't wait to see where this goes~!
Canaryz chapter 15 . 9/27/2018
I read this immediately after reading polaris.. While polaris feels like a short story with heavily packed feels and emotions, canopus is kind of like long story feeling. Both are very good with each kind of flavors. I am feeling very disappointed that its updated 2 yrs ago. I hope u continue this.
thanzintay.2000 chapter 11 . 9/7/2018
Wow. This is really amazing!
atalanta108 chapter 15 . 7/1/2018
please update
Guest chapter 9 . 6/14/2018
Omgds! Mukuro and Setsu get married! HAHAHA!
A Fan. Brrrrrrrr chapter 11 . 6/10/2018
This is an amazing, heart wrenching story I havent read the likes of in far too long.

To be fair, I extremely dislike love triangles. In most situations. They irritate me, seem way too overdone, almost never have any significance to plot or character other than to add useless, infuriating drama. BUT before you skip my review and mark me off as another nameless hater... Listen to my further explaining.

I did not claim to hate each and every love triangle ever, I am hopelessly infatuated with a good romance every now and then. Even the ones with love triangles and squares and dodecahedrons. The triangles specifically are the most stable, the most structurally sound and therefore the most basic. Now, I'm not getting off topic, because circles are quite the wonder. They can include infinite entities along their rim as long as the circle is big enough, and there can be three points on a circle, right?

To wrap up this confusing explanation, I'll skip more analogies. I truly despise most love triangles I come across, but this one, unlike most, has a purpose in this story. Even if just to explain the characters you've created a bit more- or to show that this is the point to where they will develop. This little dance of three in here is not among my disliked. Instead of irritation at another annoying mess, I felt actual pain in my chest for how everything panned out.

My unedumacated-sounding opinion is this: it made me so sad and mad and frustrated with Stella and Mukuro and Xanxus that Mukuro put a ring on it before poor Xanxus- who cares about something- could do so. And they had planned it at the same time, too. I think since Stella knows to some extent how Xanxus feels now he may have a chance? But the whole "kiss" scene (ow my heart) seemed as though Stella were already telling him and herself that his chance is gone. Or she could just be lessening the pain of his henceforth future. *shrug* The line with "the ring felt heavy in his back pocket" almost made me cry.

I know all my speculations could very well be ridiculously untrue, as I've not yet read last chapter ten, but what's a little reading without some heartbreak and plot twists?

I really hope you read this review and that it lessens the blow of some jerks posting nothing but crappy sparks about your reasonable writing choices. As always, you are the author and I am but a humble observer, so feel free to disregard anything I'be said.

PS: I don't like this Mukuro. He doesn't live up to the exaggerations of other fics- probably a good thing for his character.

As always, stay awesome!
olivia.rodriguez.927 chapter 15 . 5/6/2018
I love this please update ~
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