Reviews for The In Between
jasouatfan chapter 16 . 6/16
I love this fic and can’t wait to see what’s next. When will Robin tell Regina about the prophecy and how will she react?
jasouatfan chapter 15 . 6/16
This was a beautiful reunion.

I also love the evil charming friendship. They’ve come a long way
jasouatfan chapter 14 . 6/16
That was a nice twist that Allan was the spy. I didn’t see it coming though I should have since he was skeptical of Regina.

I love that Will rescued Regina. I’m curious though who Ana became and if Will will be reunited with her. I can’t wait to see Robin and Regina’s reunion.
jasouatfan chapter 13 . 6/16
This was tense. I am so saddened by Much’s death. He saw Regina for who she truly was and was fiercely loyal to Robin. I hope David keeps his promise.

Blue is just as guilty as others for making Regina who she was. Blue could have helped the innocent girl
jasouatfan chapter 12 . 6/16
This is so intense. I know Regina made terrible decisions and did horrific things but she was led there out of fear and anger and self loathing. She has changed and I hate seeing her in such pain.

I’m glad the Merry men now know though am worried about the witches plan against Regina
jasouatfan chapter 11 . 6/15
This is so beautiful and at the same time heartbreaking because of her past. Regina is definitely strong and a survivor
jasouatfan chapter 10 . 6/15
I love that Regina is having Robin’s baby though I hate she experienced past miscarriages.
jasouatfan chapter 9 . 6/15
I love Granny. She’s tough but means well and is one of the few to see past Regina’s defenses. I love their soulmate connection and am excited about the baby.

I really really despise Leo and Cora for all the pain they caused Regina. She was just a girl and I wish Snow had seen that too.
jasouatfan chapter 8 . 6/15
This was intense. Snow gave Regina good advice though she is still a naive princess. I really do not like Zelena or the white witch. I’m happy that Regina admitted the truth to Robin and they’re happy for now at least
jasouatfan chapter 7 . 6/15
Oh no. I am so sad that Regina is running again. They e grown so much closer too. I’m thinking that dream was more of a premonition that I hope they can change
jasouatfan chapter 6 . 6/15
Oh my goodness. This was so intense. Just as Robin and Regina are growing closer she is drowning. I really hope he can save her
jasouatfan chapter 5 . 6/15
Aww so Nottingham is Robin’s brother? Interesting

I love that Robin knows exactly what Regina needs and sees past her facade. Much is good Merry man
jasouatfan chapter 4 . 6/15
I love that Granny is somewhat of a mother figure to Regina. She has more people on her side than she realizes.

Robin seems to be making quite the impression on Regina. I just hope she doesn’t push him away once she sees the tattoo
jasouatfan chapter 3 . 6/15
Robin is just as stubborn as Regina. I love his reaction to the boys tying up Regina though I hope the boy doesn’t return or want payback.

Roland is a cutie
jasouatfan chapter 2 . 6/15
I love their first netting. Robin can already see past Regina’s walls. I hope he finds her soon
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