Reviews for The Keys to Your Healing Heart
michelle hamato chapter 10 . 3/10/2017
i see that it has been almost a year since you have worked on this, i hope that you continue this story soon, it is so good , i like the different personas that you have giver john
EilidhOg chapter 10 . 1/13/2017
Holy $#it! That was hot! I really hope you continue this story and this series.
Her Royal Goddess chapter 10 . 6/1/2016
Whoop! This was certainly worth the wait, the tension was unbelievably hot. Xx
Spades chapter 10 . 6/1/2016
That was a long chapter! Good lord, I didn't really realize how long it would be once posted. But that's 30 pages worth. And 30 pages of lovely emotional conflict, smutty BDSM, toys and orgasms all around. Oh just love the mental picture I get when I visualize the club scene. Eagerly looking forward to more.
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 10 . 5/31/2016
What a chapter! That was great. Hopefully now the boys will stop dancing around each other and talk.
Her Royal Goddess chapter 9 . 12/29/2015
I really hope you update this as I'm on the edge of my seat, this is awesome. Xx
Maryportia chapter 9 . 10/10/2015
Oh my! I can't wait for the club! I really feel for everyone in this story. Poor My, poor John, poor Sherlock. Looking forward to seeing what happens x
Spades chapter 9 . 9/18/2015
Lovely chapter as always. Starting to get revved up for all the exciting things I can only imagine are about to happen in the next chapter. Glad to see Sherlock is starting to get slowly better. So excited.
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 9 . 9/17/2015
I'm sorry things have been stressful for you lately.

That was a lovely chapter, I look forward to John showing Sherlock who is going to lead there and do so love the dynamic you have slow building between them. I don't think Sherlock is in the right headspace just yet.
SinfulMind chapter 8 . 4/12/2015
Awwwwww... a THREESOME! How bloody wonderful! It is SO SO SO HOT! I still think of Sherlock as more of a Dom, but I DO feel now a little more acquainted with the idea of a sub John. At least I have My as a Dom and that is perfectly fine :D No other role for him :P

I like where it is going :D Poor Sher, such a heartbreak for him knowing his brother has what 'rightfully belongs to him' :)

Thank you for the next chapter. I am glad it is up, not only because I follow this story, but also because now you can start working on the next chapter for 'Courtship...' :D I am awful, I know.

Thank you again,

SinfulMind chapter 7 . 3/14/2015
I enjoyed the story, maybe not as much as I enjoy your Snarry but still, it was a fulfilling read. Although the pairing and fandom are not exactly my cup of tea (I love Sherlock but for some reason I do not usually enjoy reading ficsthe fanfiction), it is one of the fandoms with the most present A/B/O dynamics so I do venture sometimes into the fans' works.

Seeing Martin Freeman on TV I just can't imagine him being an Omega :D

Thank you for the story :)
Maryportia chapter 7 . 2/22/2015
What an emotional rollercoaster! I do love hurt comfort and this chapter had it by the bucket load! Poor Sherlock! And Poor Mycroft! I was so angry with Mycroft for making him watch the video alone like that! But then when John kissed Sherlock I really felt for My. I really hope that when everyone's recovered the three of them can come to some sort of arrangement where they can share John or something. I liked the little hint of Myc getting off on watching them. I was like 'Me too My! Me too' I hope that that can happen a lot more soon :) Thanks for the lovely long chapter!
Spades chapter 7 . 2/20/2015
Woohoo! Just such a great story. Great how it's slowly being set up for the upcoming smut. The story is getting great dialogue and though it's slow moving you can see the benefits in the solid relationship and plot and the overall solid platform for such an emotionally charged story. Can't wait for the smut but loving the slow build and reflections on everyone's mindset.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/8/2015
Oh my god. This is the best thing I've read in a long time. I don't care how long it takes for you to post another chapter, just please let John be alright! I cried at chapter 5, and then I was on the absolute edge of my seat for chapter 6! I love it! Very much looking forward to more :)
Spades chapter 6 . 1/5/2015
*swoons* So much angst that I can barely stand it. Lovely, just lovely. Can't wait for the future scenes that we've discussed. Can't wait for all three of them to just 'click'. Just loving it all *sigh*.
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