Reviews for Mind-Blowing
Crysta1Dark chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
I really enjoyed this story and thought it was really cute.
Lancedark chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
This one is really well written and I like the fact that Yamato supports Hikari to be Takeru's girlfriend. Wish I could have a big brother too!
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 8/14/2014
I'm psyched for the next season too! I can't believe that after 15 years we're finally getting one! Hopefully...Takeru and Hikari will be showing up in substantial roles perhaps?

...a guy can dream.
YourSecretAdmire chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
Uwaaa! This is so cute
I love how yamato describe his first met with hikari 3
I also love the last part about how yamato asking takeru if he will ask hikari to be his girlfriend! Gahh! I love most of ur stories,,, and I can't wait an update for ur fan fiction "Love Grows"! Its killing me! Hikari and Takeru fighting again! Anyway,,, I still love it * winks
Minekoanime chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
I love this fic! I love the ideas of Takeru and Taichi, and Hikari and Yamato having sibling-like relationship X'3 Love Takari too
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
Great fanfic!

I could agree to a certain extent with how similar they are. I got mind-blown that wizardmon experience must have been almost the same as angemon experience. Plus the fact of how caring and oblivious they are. ONly they are still different. Kari is more understandable of ones nature to be compassionate. While Takeru is the curiosity in person of how to help people and help them move on about the limits in life (just like the drama cd mentions of how he is writing about digimon and the reason he is writing it) , he will fight if needed to and Kari will sit back and give people a chance just in case.

And about romance can be argued, as far as it is me concerned I just like takeru and Kari together ;).