Reviews for Cold Land, Cold Heart
evolution-500 chapter 1 . 9/1
Interesting start. I hope Raven doesn't give into the darkness. I mean, I get that 40k is a miserable shithole of a universe filled with even more loathsome people, daemons and gods, but the thing about Raven that has always impressed me as a reader was her unflinching resolve to not give in and to do good. I'm curious to see where this story goes. Good luck with your story.
Warga chapter 11 . 7/29
I quite like the story, though if i were to give a critique i feel that Raven speaks a bit out of character. Her values are true to her but shes not a conversationalist from what i know.
Australian Dealer chapter 11 . 7/27
Hmm, Norsca and Raven. Curious to see how this will go. Will she embrace the Dark Side like Teclis foresaw or will she pull something mad to escape to say, the Empire?
Lucas chapter 2 . 7/20
LOve this! finding a warhammer fantasy xover is so rare this days, usually it's just 40k, very intersested
Imperial warlord chapter 11 . 7/20
Awesome chapter.
AlsoSprachOdin chapter 11 . 7/20
So the poor slave girl went from getting gangraped to being the personal slave of a daemon-spawn. Might not appreciate the help very much. It certainly is closer to a dangerous spotlight, even if Raven isn't the kind of daemon the mention of whose mere name will damn your soul forever.
Looking forward to Raven regaining her powers, and hoping she'll get some additional education in the local disciplines.
Abysssouls chapter 11 . 7/19
Interesting, almost every story that have slaves they are always set free in a few moments and their life is fixed instantly. I appreciate this realistic approach, Raven waiting and planning for the right moment will definitely be entertaining! if it ever happens of course!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/19
warpwind chapter 11 . 7/19
haha, silly Raven
ManwithaPlan113 chapter 11 . 7/19
And so the story lives!
clown2107 chapter 10 . 6/26
I hope that at some point in the future Raven will become a follower of chaos, as it seems to be the path that this story is taking and even she could become a champion of chaos.

If at any time Raven has to choose a god of chaos to gain power, that would be Tzeentch aka The Raven God, since Tzeentch is the god of magic, change, evolution, ect.
Almost all of those features seem to fit Raven.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/6
I don't remember Raven telling anyone about Trigon?
ThatDrocker59 chapter 10 . 5/1
Ah, I'm glad to see you revisit this story. It's a very dark story which realistic reactions to being stock in the hell hole called Norsca. I do wonder what exactly you've got planned for poor Raven. I doubt she will fall, she's too stubborn for that.

I look forward to the next chapter. I love both this story and Death Koros of Justice.
Imperial warlord chapter 10 . 5/1
Awesome chapter.
Warpwind chapter 10 . 5/1
nice! was not expecting the update. good to see it's alive.
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