Reviews for 3 Years After
nightnovice chapter 70 . 6/26
Cute ending to a fun story.
nightnovice chapter 67 . 6/26
Ah, that was adorable.
lilkathra chapter 63 . 3/4
rory how would you feel if your daughter decided not to invite you and logan to her big day cuz you messed up along the way or you did not agree to her that she got pregnant younger and she was not married first all parent make mistakes alot of them dose not mean they don't love you both party's have to make effort no relationship is easy it a lot of work on both sides
lilkathra chapter 62 . 3/4
rory you can't just tell your dad that he not invited to your wedding cuz luke is more important to you then your dad just because your dad and luke don't get along you invite both and tell them if they make a scene then they will both be kicked out of the event so ya i do thing the reason you did not want your father at your only wedding is that you don't love or care for him
lilkathra chapter 31 . 3/4
you can't be mad at logan you knew how he is with his dad and you made it that he has to leave the house to cool down cuz his dad was still there
More of a Jackie chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
Sweet story, they just need a Happy ever after
Pll4life236 chapter 53 . 8/19/2019
The 16 of August is the day after my birthday
merderluvr chapter 70 . 3/30/2019
Loved this story and cant wait to read the sequel. You did an amazing job. Thanks!
merderluvr chapter 66 . 3/27/2019
Loved it. I loved when she and Logan saw eachother for the first time down the aisle. Their vows were sweet.. I'm really enjoying this story. Thanks!
merderluvr chapter 52 . 3/15/2019
Great chapter. I loved Rorys flashback and how quickly James calmed down when Rory held him. I felt bad that Logan wasn't there when Lena was born but loved his alluding to being there for their next one. Thanks.
merderluvr chapter 48 . 3/13/2019
Loved how quickly they all accepted eachorher.
merderluvr chapter 45 . 3/11/2019
Liked the way Logan convinced Rory to tell his parents with him. Loved how she stood up to Elias' obnoxiousness . Thanks.
merderluvr chapter 37 . 3/9/2019
So romantic. I loved it! Thankfully she had the good sense to say yes this time. I’m so happy for them. Thanks..
merderluvr chapter 36 . 3/9/2019
I liked the idea of the locket. I am glad he had a picture of himself to offer Rory when she asked That was cute. I hope they do something romantic for New Years while Lenas at Honours. Can’t wait to read more. Thanks.
merderluvr chapter 31 . 3/9/2019
Aww. I’m glad he knows that if he goes off the wagon He’s risking the two most important girls in his life. I think he’s got enough motivation to stay straight even if Mitchum gets to him.
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