Reviews for Silk and Iron
Guest chapter 4 . 2/29
oh boy
asm13 chapter 4 . 12/24/2015
I love your writing, and I wished you didn't stop.
AnnaW14 chapter 4 . 9/23/2014
I can't wait for Clary to sink her claws into Alec. I want her to manipulate the shit out of him, but do it in a way that will make him think he has control. One thing I like about game of thrones is the fact that a lot of the femle characters are strong, but know how to hide it. They rule from the shadows, never revealing themselves in full.
KyKat chapter 4 . 8/25/2014
So, Alec will presumably become king now, but would he really still marry Clary given that her father is accused of killing his father. Maybe they will marry her off to Jace instead (to keep her off the thrown, but salvage an alliance)?
iloveherondales chapter 4 . 8/18/2014
OMG why you still hvnt update? There has been so many days already! I can't wait to see SIZZY! Will Clary like Alec later? When will Alec marry Clary? Will there be CLACE? You are actually killing me by not updating for such a long time. This is actually one of the best fanfic I have ever read! Update faster!
Tisha zeutzius chapter 1 . 8/9/2014
I really enjoyed the first chapter it was not boring it set the tone of the story which sometimes is very hard to do. I can't wait to continue to ready the following chapters
Ally chapter 4 . 8/8/2014
I love city of lost souls or city of fallen angels

Percy Jackson. Daughter of smoke and bone
Throne of glass. Many many many more
Immortal series
John green
GreyEyes217 chapter 4 . 8/8/2014
OMG, I am so excited for the next chapter! I love how Alec seems sort of like Jace...and Simon, I was crying mentally.
Please update soon!
newt-scamanderp chapter 4 . 8/8/2014
yayy this is exciting! love your story!
Lionheart543 chapter 4 . 8/8/2014
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Best chapter so far!
Alec is such a pig! (Kill him off)

1) Favourite Mortal Instruments Book is City of Lost Souls or Heavenly Fire! Favourite Game Of Thrones Book is A Song of Ice and Fire
2) Is a fandom which books you like? Because if that's the case I like, no love; Divergent, Vampire Academy, Bloodlines, The Host, The Hunger games and anything by Stephanie Perkins!

Never Stop Writing This Story!Ever!
Abxminable chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
spikeyhairgood chapter 4 . 8/8/2014
Oh. My. God. This story is going to ruin me. I should've known that characters would be dying, so foolish of me to think otherwise. Currently reviewing from my phone so I apologize if I missed to comment on something. The whole chapter was awesome. It had me at the edge of my seat, which I'm positive from now on, will be every chapter. I adore Isabelle, I really love her heart in this and feel for her as deeply as Clary. I am distraught over Simon but absolutely loved his appearance. It was very in character for Simon and Isabelle both. I wanted to shake Clary because she's ignoring her intuition and didn't tell her father. Speaking of her father, omg, I am not ready for what may be coming for Valentine. Alec is someone I still want to slap and I'm interested in Jace, still such a mystery but one I can wait for because there's already so much going on. I read glittery with someone talking to Alec and thought of Magnus but I'm not quite sure or I read it completely wrong. Awesome. All of it, such a great job and writing.

As for the book, my favorite is definitely City of Fallen Angels!
HolliePike chapter 3 . 8/4/2014
When do you update? Do you have days you like to update or do you update when ever? And love the second chapter at the end I was like yes go ahead and sleep with the knife just in case. :D
Guest chapter 3 . 8/2/2014
Jace's pov!
Lionheart543 chapter 3 . 8/2/2014
Just read your story and it's amazing! Clever how you mixed Game of Thrones with the mortal instruments, seriously your a genius!

On to the questions; 1. my favourite good character is Simon (from tmi) and Arya (from game of thrones)
2. my favourite bad character is Sebastian (from tmi) and Cerci (from game of thrones

Please never stop writing this story!
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