Reviews for Amor Prohibido
luvnanofate chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
I could read your story using google translate, but I think I understood what you were trying to say. I applaud your writing about this relationship as it is a difficult topic. Living here in the USA most spanish-speaking folks are mostly very christian believers who think this is a bad thing. I, on the other hand, believe one that one should be able to do what they like as long as no one is hurt. For instance, rape is bad because you are hurting someone by forcing yourself on them without their consent, which is horrible and therefore not moral. Stealing is not moral because you are taking someone else's property without permission and you wouldn't want someone to do that with you.
The other difficult part of this story is sex while not an "adult" or at the age of majority. Can both parties give "consent" while they are both not yet adults? That's a difficult thing to say. We know that some teenagers have sex, that is just a fact. Some are ready, most are probably not ready. I thing all teenagers should have some form of sex education, because many parents don't talk to their teenagers about the risks and responsibilities of sex as a minor. That's why there are so many teenage pregnancies around the world.
Thanks again for your story. I love this story because we get to see young love blooming, even if they are twins. Sora may actually be more mature than Haru, I think. The anime ends without us knowing what happens in their future, but I would like to think they went on loving and living together, perhaps deciding children are too much risks and having any, or however they would responsibly address that issue.
F9nbp chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3gcgst0rig1
Adrin chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
Hermoso relato isbddldjd me encanto. 3
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2017
ALEXIS chapter 1 . 2/1/2017
Cachita kawaii chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
Esta bien kawaii el fanfic, es uno de los pocos que me gustaron de esta pareja :3 y como has hecho los personajes estuvo bieeeeen :). Segui asi y espero leer otro :D. Saludos.
ALI chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
mamita chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Hola, me ha encantado tu fic, esta pareja es muy linda y la mejor, nunca debieron haber puesto otras parejas con Haruka, eso solo lo arruino y hizo ver a Haruka como a un cerdo, pobre Sora, dicen cosas de ella, pero ella es la mejor, mejor incluso que Haruka, pues ella si es sincera, ella si lo ama de verdad, y ella es buena a pesar de como parece o como es, ella si que ha hecho mucho por Haruka y ha pasado mucho por el, Haruka en cambio no ha hecho nada por ella, y eso si es una pena, es un idiota, la deseaba y la amaba desde el principio y intento ocultarlo de la peor manera, imaginaos si hubiera sido al reves, Sora con otro tio por la misma razon, ella hubiera sido tachada de cerda o peor pero el ¿no?, anda y que le den a Haruka, aunque el final del anime me encanto, se quedaron juntos, y ¿que si es incesto?, amor es amor, y punto final, ojala hagas mas fics de ellos, gracias y besos.
angela chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Estubo muy bueno... ubiera sido lindo que siguiera la historia
El Primordial chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
Muy buena historia te felicito
Sorq-chan chapter 1 . 7/21/2015
Hahaha 3 me encanto...HaruXSora por siempre *-* amoooo a estaba parejaaa *Q*
Desconocida chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Kawaii! I loved it, Sora and Haru are one of my favorite couples, as well as the anime, although the final was the most touching and beautiful. As there was no second season ... but hey ... your fic is well written, flawless spelling (I appreciate it) you could describe the actions even more so comfortable and I really hope to read a fic of this beautiful and odd couple .

we read
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
lo ame