Reviews for Not Exactly BFF's
Onewildeechild chapter 19 . 9/20/2017
Why oh why have you never completed this?
Lena Carr chapter 2 . 1/14/2016
Heh! I liked this chapter - Vic as the bs detector, Henry still trying to keep everything behind his teeth, Cady and her big heart. A lot of talking, but I think you captured the voices well.
Lena Carr chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Okay, I am going to read this one slow and savor it. The first chapter hooked me in and I'm interested in seeing where you go with this.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/28/2015
I love thu s story since the beginning hope u finish it.
baroness10 chapter 19 . 4/24/2015
I hope this is continued someday! One of best I have read.
tidefn1 chapter 19 . 3/10/2015
I am so into this story. It just amazes me how so many of the authors including you put so much detail and thought into the storyline. I hope you havnt abandoned this. It is too good not to finish it out.
kmac9 chapter 19 . 12/22/2014
I really liked your opening scene between Walt and Vic. From Walt appreciating the view, to balancing a sheepish grin while still giving her a "you're being a smart ass" look, to Vic talking Walt through why Martha might not have told him about a trip to the courthouse, and to Vic being mortified at the thought of having to carry a large Christmas bag in place of an evidence bag. Nicely done! The scene where they take down Ridges was great. The interplay between Walt, Branch and Vic. Walt's technique to physically take Ridges down. Walt looking to Vic after the shot rang out and finding her standing tall. Great visual scene!
susan1770 chapter 19 . 12/20/2014
Wynema didn't stand a chance against Vic's marksmanship. She always has Walt's back. I'm glad both her and Branch had a part in helping Walt bring them down. I also liked that Walt was watching Vic's rear end bounce up the steps with the charger. She is definitely on his mind, now he just needs to tell her (and show her). :)
MissJodie chapter 19 . 12/19/2014
I like this version! A lot!
mt6shock chapter 19 . 12/19/2014
I loved this update, loved all of them working together to get ridges. Vic and branch were funny, can't wait for more! !
Halle Alexis chapter 19 . 12/19/2014
I'm so happy to see this chapter and I can't wait to read more!
JustBecause2012 chapter 19 . 12/19/2014
Always enjoy this story being updated! A lot of action going on in this chapter and it was so well done!
rebelxxwaltz chapter 19 . 12/18/2014
Ahhh, this chapter was just amazing! You have such a talent for writing action scenes, and the dialogue throughout positively shines. So perfectly in character, I could hear the voices.

I loved the collaborative effort here, especially coupled with the stress-coping mechanisms like the rock-paper-scissors and the bet. They were worked into the fabric of the action so well, and seemed to help the characters along in their task.

Regarding research, I really admire the lengths you went to in reference to the lariats. Research like that adds such depth and care to a story... I know I've read some pretty weird Wikipedia articles in the name of research, and I saw some things at the Manchester Police Museum while writing Life on Mars fic that were pretty damn enlightening. LOL!

That extra effort should be appreciated by us readers, to be sure. Not sure if there's somewhere in my neck of the woods where I can check out lariats, but I might have to check around 'cos you've got me dead curious!
kmac9 chapter 18 . 11/23/2014
I was excited to see a chapter update! You continue to do such a fantastic job with the layers of the mystery these characters are trying to solve. So interesting (and humorous) to see Mathias as he navigates the complexities of choosing a side. Love Vic threatening Walt that she'll arrest his ass if he does anything stupid (she knows him well)...and Walt asking for clarification of her definition of stupid. Great job of describing Walt trying to prevent the "emotional whiplash" he feels coming when he thinks Vic will be leaving town with Sean, the relief he feels when she tells him she's not and the struggle he experiences between what he says to her and what he really wants to say, but can't. Looking forward to your next chapter!
susan1770 chapter 18 . 11/23/2014
Go Vic! I'm glad Walt knows about Sean. Now maybe they can take care of Vic's "personal life" when they solve the case. Like everyone else has written, I really like how you have incorporated everyone into this story, and it's nice to see Mathias helping out also. Also like the friendship and respect that is building between Vic and Cady. Vic is a damn good cop, she and a Walt make a really good team. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
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