Reviews for Olympic Tryouts
Cibom chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
Watching the olympics brought this story back to mind. Had to read it again. Great writing! I love your Britanna.
Guest chapter 35 . 11/19/2016
Love it! Please update
burglover421 chapter 35 . 9/27/2016
ok this story is addicting...please give me my next hit!
angie2591 chapter 35 . 10/22/2015
So I'm kinda hooked on this story and I know your last update was in may but I really hope you update soon would love to see how this story ends with the mm hopefully winning gold
Cibom chapter 35 . 10/19/2015
Just wanted to say I can't wait for another update.. I come check your profile every other week to see if there is somehting new on this sotory because I absolutely love it!
Helena chapter 35 . 9/18/2015
still waiting and will wait forever
sadiered chapter 35 . 7/23/2015
Wow, Jenna. It really is amazing. I'm so into it, and the emotions of Brittany and Santana and their love just roll off the page. My feelings, I seriously just can't even handle them.
IWantsToGetMyBrittanaOn chapter 35 . 7/13/2015
I've only recently discovered this story and I absolutely love the rapport you have going between these two goons! You had me from the first chapter when Brittana hated each other. The transformation has been amazing. It's not just the hockey scenes that are awesome but you write the emotional ones very well too. You've really fleshed out their characters. Great job! Can't wait to read more!
Smithy199 chapter 21 . 6/19/2015
Loving this story! Can't wait to keep reading.
Kali-blue chapter 35 . 6/7/2015
I luckily found this gem of a story off someone's favorites. What a score! The hockey theme works great I this AU. It's lots of fun, plus I love sports fics that are done well. Cheers, Kali
Whitney chapter 35 . 5/25/2015
I really enjoy your story.
Thanks you and please continue :)
Quinntana2 chapter 8 . 5/8/2015
:)(: Haha..Beavis and Butthead. I love it. The parts about Rachel crack me up.
Quinntana2 chapter 6 . 5/8/2015
:)(: Santana is an adorable sleeper. They play so well together. It just makes me smile. I'm not for certain if I've ever seen the movie before but it sounds familiar.
Quinntana2 chapter 4 . 5/8/2015
:)(: They're bonding. Yay! I like coach talking to both of them and what was said.
Quinntana2 chapter 3 . 5/8/2015
:)(: I'm really liking this.
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