Reviews for Tales Of Self-Destruction
AeronJames chapter 2 . 8/8/2018
I have literally read this fanfiction too many times to count. I will never get over how amazing this is.
Lost4theStars chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
Wow. That's like all I can say bc this is just so fucking powerful. You portray emotions so well and how you use one-shots works perfectly. Just like wtf this is amazing. My heart is about to explode from all the angst love it
Solangeluna chapter 3 . 5/19/2016
well fuck
Shesreckless chapter 17 . 2/8/2015
I love your use of one-shots to narrate, while still maintaining a semblance of continuity between each chapter. I usually find this narrative device to be disappointing, but yours is well executed. Am I mistaken in thinking that Sirius is on the verge of reaching rock bottom with his illness? It's starting to appear that he either needs to recognize that he needs help or he is going to die.
TheLittleDarkFox chapter 13 . 1/22/2015
It's taken me so long to find the time to read this latest chapter, it was worth the wait though. I love how each chapter shows more of how deep their friendship goes and how close they are with each other. James just seemed to know where to find Sirius at the end of this chapter and he knew how to handle things with his friend. This is still one of my favourite fics on here. Also, I really like having all the different POVs, just having one or two per chapter works really well but this was a nice change.
TheLittleDarkFox chapter 11 . 12/13/2014
I think I hate Luca just as much as I love his character, I suppose a relationship like that would be something Sirius thought he deserved. This is a great chater, I'm still really enjoying this fic and the chapter re-ordering works well.
TheLittleDarkFox chapter 8 . 11/23/2014
I quite liked the change to first person, do you think you'll stick with it, or go back to third? I'm following this story now, it's a little different from the other Marauders angst fics, something just draws me in. I'm looking forward to the next update!
TheLittleDarkFox chapter 7 . 11/23/2014
I was going to review after I'd read the next chapter but I have to tell you now, the ending of this chapter is perfect. Actually perfect. I've loved these small snap shots of Sirius and Remus and the things that have brought them closer together, it's so well written and I love it. I can't believe there's only one review for this so far!
Damelia Evenshire chapter 5 . 7/22/2014
Wow, this story is heartwrenching and touching...very good job. Can't wait for another update :)