Reviews for Legends of Potter
TanitBenNajash chapter 19 . 6/27
Im gonna said something strange, one of my friends found your fanfic in a sex page in the middle of erotic fics. He send to me the first chapter and.. im here (after a little bit o research). Harry is a completely Gary Stu and i dont care, i love the way you made funny about that and i dont know i just like this fic, its so old style. Im gonna finish this now, in fanfiction because i have a pretty bad moments with my granmma catching me reading on the other website. LOL.
And probably y wrote all this shit wrong, but who cares im not sure if you are gonna read this after all this years and english is not my firsth lenguaje and im very bad in grammar ups! Anyways, see u later in coments at the end when i get there .
Dzerx chapter 19 . 6/20
Idiots. They caused Harry more trouble being there than not.
Dzerx chapter 10 . 6/20
Kinda cringeworthy chapter tbh. The interactions seemed somewhat stale and forced.
Dzerx chapter 5 . 6/19
How can Harry consider Molly the closest thing to a mother when he's only interacted with her a couple of weeks each year...?

If Ginny loved Harry as much as she says, well she wouldn't date other boys now would she?
FFFudgeUp chapter 20 . 5/24
Very imaginative version of Harry. Powerful but believable. Thanks for sharing!
mumphie chapter 20 . 4/17
Wonderful story. I cannot wait to click the sequel! I was wondering why they didn't find the locket when the 'dark objects were put into a box. Guess Kreature hid it.
mumphie chapter 19 . 4/17
I hope Sirius is okay
Guest chapter 20 . 1/27
I sure hope this is not the end it was just getting good
silentfan9 chapter 4 . 11/17/2019
okay like the story but you messed up in this chap, you had harry tell his friends that he wouldnt tell them everything and then had him tell them everything pretty much right after. just thought i'd point it out
Hedwig68 chapter 20 . 10/27/2019
What an Awesome story, Loved it.
James chapter 18 . 10/23/2019
I love the diversity of your version of the potter tale so keep up the great work
the-wholived chapter 2 . 5/28/2019
Henry and Harry are very confusing
(their names, not their personality)
Guest chapter 20 . 4/12/2019
Well Roff this is not the first story I read by you (it's the second though it appears to be your first if I understand this site right...I'm still very new) but it lives up to my expectations and I'm happy to say that all I said on Harry's chamber of secrets ( if you've seen it you'll know me as No One Specia1 though I can't remember my password to sign in) goes for this as summarize it's an amazing story I loved every word and was glad to read it and as the saying goes "it gives you all the feels bro"
Romily chapter 17 . 3/25/2019
Shouldn’t ginny‘s hand be part of her wing?
BillBrink chapter 20 . 3/24/2019
Thanks for a good story.
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