Reviews for A Courage's Flame
Guest chapter 8 . 7/30
Very impressive!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/30
MysticRising chapter 57 . 5/11/2019
You know, i always hated this about aang. Yeah, i get it, it was the lion turtle that gave him extra power, but it was really stupid. He would have let ozai rule the world. He kept 'asking advice' not because he was confused, but because he was in denial. He wanted someone to agree with HIS ideas and was relentless in this. Even after talking to the past avatars he stupidly spared ozai and almost died multiple times because of it. Idiot.
MysticRising chapter 49 . 5/10/2019
Ch 49
I know what you've done so far. Keep atla story but add a few lines to fit a few changes ( but still forgets these changes, like people forgetting about flame or daisuke. Most lines reflect this), but i gotta say why? I was interested when Azula took zuko's role and looked into the family history but them it changed and she just stayed as Azula. There was very little meaning to that as you aren't intending to change the character.
This story is already done, so I ask you, for the future, do NOT be afraid of CHANGE. There are other authors with awesome ideas but are afraid to change the story. Don't . make it YOUR fiction.
MysticRising chapter 39 . 5/9/2019
Yes. Flame was a lovely addition for the alternative universe. Sadly the presence of him and daisuke just undermines the original cast cause they are over reliant on them.
Anyways, happy that this chapter has ZUKO and he CHOSE GOOD! Yay! Personally I was pissed we didn't see much of our couple in the previous chapters, but now we are getting somewhere!
Again, this isn't a crossover, yet. We need more elements from digimon, so I hope daisuke matrix shinka's or something into a digimon or regains her memories and powers (or rather her digimon), otherwise, as i said, this work is more like ATLA with an OC who shares a name with another character and SOME personality traits, but not enough to actually connect with the aforementioned series.
MysticRising chapter 24 . 5/9/2019
Im starting book 2, ch 24, and I am sad.
So far this is more of a retelling of avatar with a few details missing and others summarized. There is no crossover yet. Daisuke is female and in this world, but lost her memories and takes dialogue from canon, in other words other characters. The lack of memories remives her true personality, so what we have so far isn't a crossover, but avatar with an OC named Daisuke. Details like flame are neat, and i don't expect the whole plot to change (although that would be nice) but the presence of these changes do very little within each chapter.
Hell, 99% of the time people are aggressive towards the firebender, but don't confront her and we don't see them resolving their anger towards her.
So not a bad read, but not a crossover (yet, but it's so slow for a crossover)
White Tiger Bumblebee chapter 3 . 10/13/2017
Just thought I'd ask, but what is Daisuke wearing? Because the gang would be looking at her strange modern day clothes.
Axel Fones chapter 59 . 1/27/2017
Binge-read the entire thing, this was a fun read.
Axel Fones chapter 2 . 1/26/2017
Daisuke is feeling a bit too similar to Aang at the moment, I hope her character diverges as time goes on, hopefully with the amnesia slowly lifting or something like that. Oh well, I'll find out as I keep reading.
katmar1994 chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
I love it already! I can't wait to read more!
graysean86 chapter 58 . 7/7/2015
let me be more specific this doesn't really come as a crossover fic it comes more as an oc fic since we don't have any digimon action. put more digimon action in your next crossovers
graysean86 chapter 59 . 3/3/2015
This was a pretty good fic. the only problem i had was that there wasn't any digimon related stuff other than cameos of the characters other than a Female Davis. when i think of a crossover i think of both parties coming together using the strengths that each party has to become more powerful and one party doesn't overshadow the other. maybe if daisuke got veemon, her digivice and d terminal back after say the kyoshi warriors chapter it would have been a much more enjoyable story, in my opinion. as for how veemon gets to the avatar world he could get there with the help of Gennai and the Digimon sovereigns and because he crossed to a new world he goes along the digivolution path getting ulforceveedramon. But for what I got it was great and i loved the story from start to finish.
davycrockett100 chapter 59 . 2/10/2015
Wishfull-star chapter 59 . 1/5/2015
that was an amazing story thank you for writing it:)
twilightjazz chapter 59 . 12/8/2014
i love your fem Daisuke crossover stories please write more maybe an bleach crossover
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