Reviews for Promise Me
Bunny1 chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Rafaela Amanda chapter 1 . 2/2/2016
I liked this idea of big brother instinct remains so strong even with Dean being a demon, perhaps even stronger. It's just something that's very ingrained him, and nothing could change that. Did not stop worrying about his little brother, including issues if he feeds well or the other thinking he would be neglecting Sammy, and even though he has been a little scary this thing overprotective, I kind of liked that. Putting his little brother above all as usual and not wanting to be immortal.
He worried that he might die after he was cured. I liked the condition that the Dean imposed, wanting to take care of Sammy, wanting him to be healthy and was cute kiss on the head.
And I understood and liked the determination of Sammy to turn it back, is the best course.
If it is not asking too much, really wanted a sequel of this story, with healing and a happy ending for them.
Think about it ok?
mollyk5 chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Hi, there!

I had hoped to leave you something in the line of a review before now, but it's been way too dark around here, and I'm still looking for that proverbial "light switch". I did find a flashlight, though, so...Hi!

I wish I could tell you that I've read all your "Supernatural" fan-fics so many times that I could recite them in my sleep (if I slept, that is; I now firmly believe the Sandman is hoarding all of his magical sleepy-dust, keeping it all for himself and those stuck-up snots like Beiber and the like), but in all honesty every time I try to pay attention to what is going on when reading any one of them and that desire seems to disappear along with all functioning brain cell activity. I mean, with all that schmoopiness between drool-worthy Dean and his snuggly-wuggly Sammy you've got going on? Everything turns to sappy-happy jello and I just barely notice if there was a plotline anywhere anyways. Oh, the HORROR of it all!


Anywhoo...I certainly won't be upset if you decide to post some more fluffy fics chock-full of Winchester bromance (No, I am definitely NOT talking about THAT! Personally, I think anyone who believes the boys should be THAT close needs to get their heads I wrong?). These days, it's often the one saving Grace that keeps someone like me breathing.

Thank you!
Emrys Ariadne chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
If there was an alternate universe where Sam and Dean just lived with Dean being a demon, this would be it. I love your idea of Demon Dean! Obviously it's AU at this point, but I still think it rings true with how it could've been. Nicely done!
BettaPen chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
I like how Dean freaks out over Sam and not Logan who practically close to death! XD But that's Dean Winchester for you. :) Plus this was/is good.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
I've heard that Deanmon is going to be quite uncaring in season 10, so I like here that you still have him concerned for Sam's well-being (while not neglecting his demony side). The crossroads scene was really sweet. Hope to read more from you!
HeSaysOkieDokie chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
I can't see this happening in S10 :( But its a great AU.
Should be sleeping chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
This was great! I hope we get some warm fuzzies like this in season 10, but I'm not gonna hold my breath... A sequel to this would be totally awesome!
zekeschance chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
This was so good! Really looking forward to S10! Especially if it goes something like this.
ScribeofArda chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
This makes me feel better about having to wait until October for season 10! I recently joined the Supernatural fandom, and I'm pretty sure that your fanfics are the best I have read so far. The way you write Sam and Dean's relationship is just so well done and seems to be so easily written. Thank you :)
godsdaughter77 chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
Fantastic! I loved brooding/caring/yet very much a demon Dean at the beginning as he clearly cares for his brother, but also doesn't even understand why he's supposed to care for others. Later, I especially loved when they made the deal at a crossroads. Thanks so much for sharing!
sarah chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
Beyond awesome
Dean's inner thoughts was amazing to read, his jealousy and anger...etc
Loved it
JudyH chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
There's something so dark about the coming season. There's been demons and deals and round trip excursions into Hell, but this...this is personal and even though I'm a Sam girl, I can hardly wait to see what's coming. Your view is interesting: that they co-exist, much like they did when Dean's time was ticking down before, hoping for a miracle.
I really would love to see Dean not lose himself completely; Sam has been "his" stone number one since childhood, and I do hope, like in your wonderful story, that they maintain enough of that bond to tide them over until a solution is found.
Jinny the Kisaragi chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Ok can we have you write season 10, please? Between this and your fix-it where Sam cures Dean and Cain, I'd vote for you in a heartbeat. And Dean sealing the deal by kissing Sam on the forehead was like a starburst exploding in my heart because it was so innocent and brotherly and purely loving that I almost died. Well done.

SandyDee84 chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Oh, I hope this is what Dean's like in the new season - torn between his demon nature and what little good is left in his normal nature (mainly Sam *g*). It's a definite role reversal from S4, but we'll have to see if Dean can hide it at all or if it will start taking over in inopportune situations like you have here.

Oh, and definitely love the idea of a crossroads deal.
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