Reviews for New Roommate
Denzell28 chapter 25 . 7/20
This story was great! I mean all the right stuff at the right moments I guess? It hurts yes but it really works. You got the right rythmn I guess for the angst and redemption parts? Anyways, overall the fic was great and I am super glad I got to read it. So those who are g ung inking don't think just read. Thanks for writing this awesome story author!
Roxxane chapter 25 . 6/8
Hello there~
I know it's been a long time since this fic was completed but I really felt the need to comment cuz I LOVED it so much and enjoyed the way you wrote these two idiots and their journey of how they finally get together lol. They really had to go ahead and make everything difficult for themselves huh? But I think that in a way made them stronger and the end results are all the more better cuz they worked for it. This fic had the perfect blend of Smut, angst, fluff, dorkiness and man it was such a ride. Thank you so for sharing. It was sooo much fun 3
Roxxane chapter 25 . 6/7
This story was one hell of a ride! I know it's been a long time since this story got finished but I recently came across it and had to post a review
Wow what a fun journey of how these two basketball idiots finally got together. They really made it soooo much more difficult than it had to be huh? But I feel like that's part of their charm and it makes the fact that they finally got together all the more sweeter. Loved it SOOOOO muchhh. The perfect blend of smut, fluff, angst, dorkiness~ thank you so much for sharing this 3
cutzroxxane.ritchi chapter 25 . 6/8
Hello there~
I know it's been a long time since this fic was completed but I really felt the need to comment cuz I really LOVED it and enjoyed the way you wrote these two idiots and their journey of how they finally get together lol. They really had to go ahead and make everything difficult for themselves huh? But I think that in a way made them stronger and the end results are all the more better cuz they worked for it. This fic had the perfect blend of Smut, angst, fluff, dorkiness and man it was such a ride. Thank you so for sharing. It was sooo much fun 3
Guest chapter 11 . 4/20
This is so good, ahhhh.
lyn-tha chapter 10 . 2/10/2019
i swear i thought that this fic was AOKAGA.. but yeahh when i read this chap im a lil' bit dissapointed.. bcause im not that fan of KAGAAO.. but when i read your most chap until this chap.. your fic is really interesting
Kimihearts chapter 25 . 2/9/2019
Super awesome fic! Really made my day! I loved how everything was developed, from the rivalry that Kagami and Aomine had to friendship and finally lovers! Keep up the awesome work!
The Fufu Fujoshi chapter 22 . 12/5/2018
I was internally screaming because my mom was in the room. Just know that I am having mixed emotions right now, like anger, sadness, and pain much much pain. And when my mom gets out the room I will yell, scream and cry my heart out then start my homework that I have been avoiding.
The Fufu Fujoshi chapter 16 . 12/4/2018
Why must you hurt me so bad
lisacakes16 chapter 25 . 9/27/2018
Awww I really loved this! So happy I found it :)
FuckWhyAmINotCreative chapter 25 . 3/22/2018
I really loved the idea of this and the pacing of everything. Smut scenes are top notch and I love that in the authors notes you refer to readers as thirsties I think thats absolutely incredible. Enjoy the rest of your day!
KathrynRose916 chapter 25 . 2/16/2018
This story is written so wonderfully, I'm kind of sad that it's over. Even if you ended it perfectly. :)
Guest chapter 25 . 10/26/2017
I’ve been crying and following this fic. Thank you for everything! It was a great read 3
Zafyra's chapter 25 . 10/10/2017
Hey there!
Wow, I really liked your story!
I've always liked this couple very much, for their special bond and mutual strength, especially for the possibility of a relationship of equals between them. And you kept those things quite well I think
Your Aomine is very interesting. It's the new Aomine, more open to others, discovering new things. But still as cocky as ever The way you described his way down to Hell, when he sheltered himself and violently pushed everyone away was extremely realistic, and sadly beautiful. It was so close to character, and I recognized myself in it too (I got a bit emotional )
Kagami on the other way, is way more assertive and "dominant" than I would have imagined. Not a bad thing though, and of course he grew up since high school. So I guess he's not that OOC. And the way he is so completely oblivious, that's so him. You used it soo well, poor them.

In the whole, I really liked the way you described the evolution of their relationship. It feels as if there is a moral of the story: Be sincere in relationship, and avoid fuck buddies relationships, you'll end up hurt.
It's funny, but It feels as if you really understand guys. Their priorities and way of life. Maybe your one, and that would explain it, but from your pseudo I would have thought you're a woman. If so congrats!

One more thing: I was surprised how slang-like you write. It's rare to see slang language so well written in an story, and so accurate. For me, it's still a challenge, so congrats! :D

Thank you very much for this story, I really had a great time reading it,
I wish you well for all your future writings,

Guest chapter 25 . 9/4/2017
Yay I love the ending toooo
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