Reviews for drop rule
Hikari098 chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
God... I don't know how many times I read this. I can't even think of a deserving review for this story, but this needs praise! I want, no, I must write one right now!

This is one of the best fanfics I've read so far. How you describe Akashi and Midorima was just so realistic. I love how complicated their relationship was ever since I watched the anime and you conveyed it well. At first, the way you write the story was confusing but it pushed me to continue reading it until I could finally reach the ending. Even though it's heart-wrenching (honestly), I'm glad that you made this. It made me realize how I love the awkward relationship between Akashi and Midorima.

I hope you'll write more about them. Great job writing this. (w)
rainyrhapsody chapter 1 . 12/28/2015
Oh...oh wow.

I honestly feel that there are so very few reviews on this because the reader was too overwhelmed and couldn't think of a review that would properly be able to express their emotions towards this particular story.

That's how I feel right now. No review I come up with will be able to compare to, well, how freaking awesome this was.

Akashi was very different in this than how I've seen him in other stories. He's grittier - a lot grittier, which makes sense, considering what this fic is about. This whole thing is very gritty, but it's still elegant somehow. I don't know how you accomplished that. This whole thing is just beautiful, that's the only way I can express this properly. I don't know, I can't think up anything else to write anymore. I'll just leave it at that, because I think I've gotten my general sentiments across.

Yeah, this was amazing. I don't think I could every come up with something of this caliber. Not even if I was locked in a room and told to write AkaMido before I could come out.
Yoko Fujioka chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
The prose, pacing and wording of this is so gorgeous, but I'm just not feeling the interactions between the two? Maybe it's because I like really lively characters/interactions, but I feel like I'm missing what's supposed to be romantic between them, and I enjoyed Shintaro's inner monologues more than actually seeing them talk to each other :cc
elixo chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
ok let me tell you this, i practically fell in love with this story just last year ago. i read it in ao3 and just fudge, this story makes me feel so sad and ugh. you my dear have the best midoaka story i have ever read slash that, the best FANFICTION i have ever read. i think i've cried about twenty times with this fic.

actually i've only read this once, the other times i just read other parts. i can't read all over again because it would only break my heart. i'm so in love with this kind of writing and i felt so freaking sad that akashi killed himself. the way you wrote the characters was just so overwhelming. especially how you wrote seijurou and shintarou's relationship, it's so perfect. i love you, i love midoaka and i love this story. i'm so thankful you made this.

and to be honest, this story was actually my first midoaka fic i have ever read and since then i fell in love with the pair. i just love this. you have all my praises and applause.
oya-demo-korosu chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
GDI I FORGOT TO LOG IN. Ahhh anyway, I loved this story to bits and I will remember it and cry to the memory of it forever.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2014

"Imagine it being...compared to filling a cup?"
I have never seen depression described in a better way. Ever.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
Very well written fic, it made me really sad, but it also made me think..
To me the storyline, and how you wrote it had a captivating feel to it.
It was great! -
fuwacchi chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
Probably the best MidoAka fanfic I've read as of yet. I particularly like the disorderly narration, switching between dreams and the present, and while it seemed very messily done it actually worked out quite well somehow. I especially love how you portrayed Midorima and Akashi's relationship. The dynamics of MidoAka has always contained a lot of mis-communication (or unsaid words which would have been better off conveyed), but there has always been this underlying emotion between whatever is conveyed and by their actions and you expressed that very well.

Thanks for the absolutely wonderful read, even if I'm now a mess of emotions!