Reviews for Going Under
Amanda England chapter 19 . 5/1/2016
Very enjoyable. I think a story about the trip to Modesto would be good. It would tie any loose ends up about Steve"s past.
Amanda England chapter 17 . 5/1/2016
Wow what a chapter ! So power full and emotional. I had to stop reading at one point as you had me in tears. I guess because I could relate to Steve"s situation. I to lost my parents when I was young and it brought it all back.

You really are a talented writer do not let any one tell you different. Not many people can move me to tears.

Well done. I look forward to other stories by you.
Amanda England chapter 15 . 5/1/2016
Wow what a power full chapter. You have got the emotions of Steve spot on well done !
Amanda England chapter 9 . 5/1/2016
Wow ! I did not guess what was in the bag but what a good idea and the way Steve handled it was brilliant ! Well done
Amanda England chapter 7 . 5/1/2016
Wow another good chapter. Thank you,
Amanda England chapter 6 . 5/1/2016
Another good is like a book that I cannot put down ! A real page turner.
Amanda England chapter 4 . 5/1/2016
I really wish that you would get some of your stories printed as I would love to have them in a book.

As usual this is as good if not better than all of the other stories I have read of yours. Please keep writing.
Amanda England chapter 3 . 5/1/2016
Another hit story ! I do like your stories and I think you have a real talent.
LAG0802 chapter 19 . 5/16/2015
Hi just read this story and a lovey way to get done back story on Steve. Very moving, truely enjoyed. LAG
Sylvia Elaine chapter 19 . 1/30/2015
Have just re-read this story. I just love your story-telling. You are so good at it. You should be a professional writer (if you aren't already). You really empathise with your characters. The analogy of looking at the sky rather than the ground is so touching. I have taken that very much on board for future reference in my own life. Bringing "Harry Bear" back in at the end made me reach for the tissues. Congratulations on such a heartfelt and tender story. Am now going to re-read Going Home. More tissues needed!
RealLifeJoanWilder chapter 19 . 9/30/2014
I really loved this story! It was a great insight into a possible past for Steve. I'm glad you decided to write the sequel! I can see it being a nice mix of humor and sadness, which I love.
RealLifeJoanWilder chapter 18 . 9/29/2014
Awww...this chapter was just so sweet. :D
RealLifeJoanWilder chapter 17 . 9/29/2014
That letter was so sad, yet so heartwarming. I wish they would have introduced a character like Harry into the actual show. I think he would have been proud of who his grandson became. :)
RealLifeJoanWilder chapter 15 . 9/28/2014
First, I loved that little volley exchange between Mike and Lenny and poor Steve just sitting there watching them talk about him as if he weren't there. LOL

Second, how sad is that, finding your loved one lying in the grass, dead? OMG. I can't imagine how hard it was for Steve to bury that far enough that he could function.

Psychology fascinates me sometimes - this kind of thing is one of the times. How just a suggestion can send a person back in time and allow them to relive the time as if they were living it in the here and now. Nice job as always!
RealLifeJoanWilder chapter 14 . 9/24/2014
Owww...I've been in Steve's shoes with that IV mess! I almost passed out one time as the nurse tried putting a needle into a vein that kept rolling.. Reliving that certainly brought his plight to life!

I don't even want to imagine how awful it must be to find a loved one dead...and then bottling it up all those years. Poor Steve. One of those things where you look back in hindsight and wonder if he'd be feeling so badly now if he'd have let this go before.
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