Reviews for Saiyuki: Through the Looking Glass
Sanada chapter 11 . 1/12/2016
I stumbled accross this on x-parrot's favorites. I had almost forgotten how good it was. Thanks for writing and sharing it.
pussycat16 chapter 11 . 7/6/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
AthrunYuy chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
Oi! Just wanted to let you know that I've had this story saved for years and I reread it at least once every 2 months. That's how you know this is a great story. Any time I think of Saiyuki, this is where my mind goes to. So thank you for being awesome!
amai-kaminari chapter 11 . 10/15/2006
thenewunderground chapter 11 . 9/18/2006
i luv it!
chibi-angel3 chapter 11 . 6/21/2006
one of my most favorite fanfic of all time! - great job! i love gaiden fics! i hope you write more!
narrizan chapter 1 . 3/5/2006
I will say it now. This is one of my favourite of favourites. Second fic I read that got me gripped after "Respice Finem". This is also one of the reasons I am here. Thank you.
StrawberryPockyStyx chapter 11 . 12/16/2005
Ah, I've been reading this fic for several days now, and have found it difficult to pull myself away in order to sleep. It was one of the best pieces of work I've ever read. The characterization was...flawless, to say the least. I loved the interaction between Tenpou and the rest of the Sanzo-ikkou, and I loved the interaction between Hakkai and the...Konzen-ikkou... Their logistics was quite intriguing, and the entire story was quite thought provoking. I absolutely loved it.
Val Mora chapter 11 . 8/8/2005
(This was recced to me over at LJ by permetaform, by the way)

Wonderful fic. I really enjoyed seeing the contrasts between Tenpou and Hakkai so clearly demonstrated, and the way they interact so differently with the other characters is particularly intriguing. You've really carried this off well. Plus, the ending, which was magnificent.
shini515 chapter 11 . 4/10/2005
hiliarious! at least the ending. The subtle sentiments was very sweet. brilliantly thought out. I must say I enjoy all of your stories very much, can't wait for the updates!
Miakaghost chapter 1 . 3/24/2005
I read this story elsewhere, and I still love it. Good going for creating such a good story!
Profiterole chapter 11 . 1/22/2005
What a wonderful story! I love Gaiden fanfics, but the concept of this one is pure genius! The interactions between Kenren and Hakkai and between Gojyo and Tenpo were fantastic. And I like how that helped Gojyo and Hakkai get together and maybe Kenren and Tenpo get closer. Besides, your detailed depiction of Heaven was very interesting. Thank you for writing this great story!
firedraygon chapter 11 . 10/15/2004
XP This is a brilliant fic. I love how you meshed the two worlds together so nicely. Wonderful work.

Please write more soon!

cawcawmf chapter 11 . 10/14/2004
Hey, this is my favourate fic of all time and i diddnt leave a review?I love,love,love,love your ficcs this is the first saiyuki fic i have read when i first came to and i loved it, and now, i still love it. write more and soon Rhapsodies in the Dark and Cyclical Ruins please!
Ima Super Mute Ant chapter 11 . 8/26/2004
yay! cute :) I love it! Is this the end or are there more chapters?
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