Reviews for Words Unspoken
alt232981 chapter 25 . 6/27
Do you ever plan on rewriting this story i would really love to read it
alt232981 chapter 25 . 3/2
Are you still planning on rewriting this story I would really love to read it I love your stories your one of my favorite writer's on fanfiction PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rewrite this story
alt232981 chapter 25 . 11/15/2019
I would really love to read this story when do you plan on doing the rewrite on it really hope it soon
alt231981gmail chapter 25 . 8/3/2019
Please do the rewrite soon I really want to read this story
Guest chapter 25 . 8/3/2019
When are you gonna do the rewrite on this story I would really love to read it
Guest chapter 25 . 6/23/2019
Are you ever gonna rewrite this story i'd really love to read it PLEASE bring it back
SD14YP chapter 1 . 9/30/2018
When can u bring it back up
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
When will this be available for readers I would really love to read this story please tell me it'll out soon
Ari909 chapter 25 . 3/6/2018
I was so hoping to have the chance to read this story. The summary makes it seem like a really good story, and it makes me so sad that I don’t have the pleasure of reading it. I do hope you re-upload this story. I will definitely read it.
Batmanchutiyahai chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
You'll post it again right?
I really loved this story and want to read it again you are an excellent writer
giovanna112009 chapter 25 . 1/14/2018
when will this story be here again? i wanna read it so badly
Guest chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
Please put it back it was an amazing story I want to read it again
How long will it take to reconstruct and put it back?
Kasumigs chapter 1 . 9/21/2017
I love this fic so much, it became one of my top three fics.
Damon is so caring and devoted to Elena in a unique way. I love how Elena brings Damon's humanity back little by little and how Damon made Elena the happiest person she could be. Just like TV/Book Delena's premise.
Damon's humour is on point, it reminded me of book Damon. He made me laugh a lot.
The angst on the last chapters is very painful, it's the kind of angst that touch me. I don't cry easily and this fic made me cry a lot.
The ending was beautiful and meaningful, it made me so emotional. One of the most beautiful endings I have ever read.
You were so careful with the notes and details. I really appreciated it.
I hope you put the the story back on so more people can read this wonderful story and everyone who have read it, can read it again. It would be very sad if it's gone.
Thank you very much for this fic!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/12/2017
Will you put it back someday? It is one of my most favourite DE fanfic and I really miss it.
caraamaev.e chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
i would like to say that im sorry.i wish you hadnt of taken it down bc it truly was a beautifully written story. i would also like to explain why i wrote what i wrote. one of the moments in this story just triggered something from my past. i hope that you can add this story back on because it is beautiful. i wish i would take back what i said but i know i cant. i just hope you post this back because it would truly suck for other people to miss out on this. -xoxo Cara
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