Reviews for What Is Love?
AmazingCat303 chapter 13 . 6/4/2017
This is amazing. I've loved every second of it!
I cried at some parts of it, because I just love how much I can relate to this, how realistic it is, and how I understand when they talk about love.
For me, love is the person who you can't bear to see sad or lonely, even if it means letting go of them, you'll do it to make them happy.
Love is when you wake up and you feel invincible, like nothing can hurt you, all because of one person who always has your back.
Love is when you can never wipe that grin off of your face, all because of one person who makes your world bright.
(I'm actually getting really teary eyed writing this. I don't know why.)
Love is that person who you know will never let you down, never let you be sad, never let you feel like you're not good enough. The person who always tells you you're beautiful, inside and out, when you feel bad about yourself. The person who always makes you feel like you belong.
Love is when you look at someone with pure adoration and they'll return it.
Sorry this was so long.
Please continue this story! It's sooo amazing. I love it so much.
Stay awesome!
Bitter Sweet Lovin chapter 13 . 5/25/2017
Ik it's been 2 years but are you going to add the last chapter? I am totally in love with this story I can't get enuf of it.

Love to me is when you love a person so much you're willing to suffer just to see them smile.
insomniacbookworm chapter 11 . 10/25/2016
Hello! So I just want to stop by and say I absolutely adore this fic. I've read it .. Four times? Since the first time, and I just Love it. Honestly, this is my favorite Phan fic I've ever read, even if it's never completed. I hope you're doing well!
- somni
(Apparently I've already reviewed chapters 12&13, so that's why this is back a few)
Naomi chapter 13 . 9/10/2016
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE THIS STORY I BEG OF YOU I NEED TO KNOW THE END It's been over a year, please tell me you didn't forget about it
Jemma-Lee Loppnow chapter 7 . 8/1/2016
Love this story 3
MadAlice1818 chapter 12 . 7/13/2016
It has been over a year since this update. Its like you were reading a book, then right at the end, the last 10 pages are ripped out. Im gonna TRY to start writing fanfiction, but I dont know exactly how or what to start out with. Wish me Luck

The Cat Whiskers Come From Within
MadAlice1818 chapter 13 . 7/13/2016
These 13 chapters were amazing!

I think love is when you have this feeling in your gut that you can't live without them. Or that whenever you see someone, you feel happier or even a bit excited. Love is when you dont just want someone, you need them in your life in order to stay complete.
not sayin who i chapter 13 . 2/25/2016
Next chapter plz
nerdyphanboi chapter 13 . 12/26/2015
Love is when you accept someone and they accept you.
Thx for the chapter ;D I love it
anonymous chapter 13 . 12/23/2015
Love is exchanging gifts, even when it's not a holiday or special occasion. Love is making someone smile through tears. Love is staying up until 2 A.M. talking to each other. Love is sharing your coat when it's cold, even though you'll be cold without it. Love is giving up everything just to make someone happy. Love is sharing quiet giggles as the teacher shushes you. Love is sharing "just-'cause" hugs. Love is not wanting to let go. Love is exchanging heartfelt compliments. Love is sharing insults of adoration. Love is lying in bed together in the dark, talking to each other until one of you fall asleep. Love is being someone's comfort. Love is being someone's muse. Love is a delicate glass ornament that would fall to the wood floor and shatter if one were to let go of it. Love is a work in progress and it takes at least two to put it together. Love is the feeling I get when I look at him. Love is a big ball of wibbly wobbly lovey dovey...stuff. Love is the feeling you get when you're listening to your favorite song. Love is the feeling you get when you're opening presents and someone got you exactly what you wanted. Love is saying goodbye, but never letting go - never forgetting. Love is when someone always has your back. Love is when your dad lets you have the last cookie (even if he was lying and he had an entire stash hidden). Love is the feeling you get when you're at a concert and you let yourself flow with the music. Love is complicated. Love is beautiful. Love is you, Phil Lester. (wow i'm so sorry that was so long pls forgive me! it's one AM here and i guess im letting out all my thoughts about love)
Guest chapter 13 . 12/22/2015
Cliff hanger... No! Please update soon. I'm always left at the edge of my seat whenever I read your work.
insomniacbookworm chapter 13 . 12/16/2015
I think this is the third time I've read this and I still love it. Can't wait for the end!
Ruffledcushion chapter 13 . 11/24/2015
Love for me is not when you can sit in silence for hours and be perfectly content. But when you can talk with someone about the same subject for hours on end, nothing to add to the conversation, being so passionate or just happy to talk about that thing, the conversation never stops. That is love.
somanyfandoms chapter 13 . 11/21/2015
Hi there! I haven't left a review yet, so I figured it was about time.

To start off with, I LOVE THIS FANFICTION! Really, I've been checking it on a weekly basis or so to see if you've updated :). I really like the way it was written, and I wish a scene like that scene in the rain could be included in every fic. This fanfic is right up my alley, with just enough of everything! Thank you so much for writing it- please write more!

Also, I'm really sorry that you had to move, but on the bright side now there's a higher chance of me meeting one of my favorite fanfiction authors. :)
Ayuma-chan chapter 13 . 11/21/2015
Well I just read it all and now its 12:39 am and I have to get up early in the morning oh well it was definitely worth it I loved the story finally Dan figured out his feelings! I can't wait!
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