Reviews for Lose Yourself
tvdstefans chapter 7 . 5/9
Oh and I'm really hoping matt gets with nyx, he needs some love lol
tvdstefans chapter 7 . 5/9
Aw please update this, I love this story! I'm so invested! I need to know who becomes the alpha, if bonnie and stefan get together and what Tyler's up to lol. This story is so well written.
PiperBlue chapter 7 . 9/16/2019
How have I not read this yet? This is such a great fic! I'm so looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen! I'm loving the pack (and getting the glimpse into the inner workings of this pack life), loving (flirty) ripper Stefan, and loving Bonnie getting to spend time with Lucy! Oh, and I'm totally pulling for Matt and Nyx, just think they'd be cool together, teehee : ) Anyway, I will wait with bated breath for the next chapter!
Shaniia.anonymous chapter 7 . 9/12/2019
Loved the flirting but I really do hope there is more of Bonnie and Stefan in the update
Thank you x
Guest chapter 7 . 9/9/2019
Wow! This story if fabulous..the multiple character weave is enthralling! Once again you demonstrate your next level writing skills!
Guest chapter 7 . 9/5/2019
I really like the Stefan/bonnie story. I'm just ready for them to head home. Great story
IntrovertedxxMusings chapter 6 . 9/5/2019
Ok here I am reviewing this kick ass fic out of order and I am all over the place. Lucy was dead ass fucking WRONG for agreeing with the pack to use Bonnie like they did. I hope Bonnie lets her ass have it. Verbally. Hell, physically too for all I care. Lucy is family and she KNOWS what Bonnie has been through and I don't give a good gotdamn...pussy shouldn't trump family, blood. Nah, fuck that and her. I want Stefan to teach em a lesson for that shit.

Will that be something that (helps) bring Stefan and Bonnie closer together?

In regards to Tyler in the other chapter, why tf is he turning against Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, and yes, even Stefan? I mean shit, they would never have been out there had it not been for him. He was the one worrying his girlfriend to death by withholding information. Their communication sucks ass. Yes, Caroline went down there with the intent of Tyler coming back but she never knew he had no intentions of coming back. I really like the way you differentiate how their lives are different and at the end of it all they just aren't destined to be together. Not with the way they communicate (by not) and damn sure because of their nature of her being a vampire and him a wolf.

Bonnie let Stefan love you! Ok I am done. I think.
IntrovertedxxMusings chapter 7 . 9/5/2019
I promise you that I need moreeeeee Steffonie because their banter is everything to me! OMG! Chiileee will you put me out of my misery already lol.

Now Tyler pissed me off. It is not fair for him to come at Caroline like he did. I don't care that he found family and pack. He totally ignored her and was so scared to talk to her about his feelings. I mean it is not her fault that he couldn't open up to her about how he felt out there with GLP from jump. He's a coward in that regard. I want to call the shit he pulled a hoe ass move. He's such an asshole and you captured that part of him pretty damn good. I was ready for Stefan to throttle him but Bonnie saved that ass. Hell, I want her to toss Tyler's ass around too for that stunt he pulled a few chapters back.

I want to go back and review the previous chapter so forgive me if I am including a response to chapter 6 here. The updates came through backwards. Like a crackhead tho I will be going back for more and rereading the shiznit out of this fic.

Ohhhhhh and fuck Lucy for not even looking out for her cousin. Oh shit that is chapter 6 lol. Let me go review that.
geehud chapter 7 . 9/5/2019
I am so intrigued by this story. Stefan is going to wear Bonnie down, and I love how he defends her. That line 'Me and Mine' said everything. Tyler's being a bad boy!
He doesn't like Stefan checking him but if he put Bonnie in danger, it's going to be a war. I'm sure Klaus would love to rip Tyler apart.
jerkchickenz chapter 7 . 9/5/2019
I'm in love with the Ripper. He killed 32 people in 1 hour! Tyler is asking for an ass kicking from the Ripper. Great update!
jerkchickenz chapter 6 . 9/5/2019
Go get them Ripper!
AviiMessi chapter 7 . 9/4/2019
Yeah! Continue...Soon...Please..!
IntrovertedxxMusings chapter 5 . 6/17/2019
I am so happy you updated this fic!

I hope Care isn't so gullible to side with Ven against Tyler. I really want her eyes opened to the fact that Tyler really wants this and he deserves it, his wolf side deserves it. I don't want her to hurt Tyler by being manipulative towards his feelings AND I want Tyler to man up and talk to Caroline openly about what he wants. I know she can be pushy but not talking about it is only making their situation that much more stressful.

Ohemgeeeeee Stefan and Bonnie are ridiculously cute. I love she is now seeing him in a different light and even smiling around him. He's so cute. And his berating himself on not seeing just how awesome and beautiful Bonnie has been from the very start was on point too. You damn right you late bruh. Catch up! I laughed at the part where he was remembering Damon calling him pussy whipped. Lawd, where is the smut already because that angst and lust is killing me.

I hope you update again and soon! I have been waiting for so long and am truly enjoying this story. No matter when you do update I'll be waiting and giddy with excitement and eek'ing a-damn-again lol.
geehud chapter 5 . 6/15/2019
I was wondering what happened to this story. Loving Stefan in this chapter.
chail chapter 5 . 6/15/2019
So they are free to go? Omg I waited for the update and it didn't disappoint a bit. But Caroline is hurting. So who's the winner?
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