Reviews for The Collector
Guest chapter 10 . 9/7/2018
Crowley rocks!
Guest chapter 8 . 9/7/2018
Guest chapter 4 . 9/7/2018
No messing their angel! I love Cass.
hengrimm chapter 10 . 7/3/2018
What a wonderful conclusion, full of angst, humor, feels, saying what needed to be said, and a wrapping up of loose ends, though it still gives the impression that the characters' lives will go on; they don't stop just because the story came to an end.

Good on the Winchesters for making sure Castiel knows where he belongs, that they weren't blowing smoke when they said those things to him while Magnus controlled him - even if Cas thought they were. This is definitely the beginning of Castiel's self worth issues, although your Winchesters ensure that he will never sink to the depths in this AU that he did in canon. Which makes this better than canon. I loved Sam insisting on taking care of Cas's wounds and how Dean risked a chick-flick moment to speak with Cas about his wings. Hehe, Crowley *was* very opportunistic, wasn't he?

One of the funniest lines: "Cas frowned. 'It doesn’t seem like a good club.'” And probably one of my most favorite lines was "Good luck killing Lucifer," though in all honesty that may be because it echoes "The Princess Bride" with Miracle Max saying "Have fun storming the castle!" Anyway, that was the first thing I thought of when I read it. And the part that best defines TFW "Sam couldn’t help but grin. So they were an odd, dysfunctional trio—two hunters and a fallen angel. But they were family. And together they could handle anything." Amen, Sammy. Amen!

What a great story. Thanks so much for writing and sharing it!
hengrimm chapter 9 . 7/3/2018
Here's something I'm not sure I've ever said before: yay Crowley! Crowley to the rescue, while everyone was distracted, of course, so there was very minimal risk to him but he came through nevertheless.

But pride of place firmly belonged to the boys; Castiel's angst and the Winchesters trying their damnedest to get through to him, to undo Magnus's binding. Absolutely perfect. I'm sorry, but I can't resist so here are my favorite parts:

1) "No, dammit, he was not giving up on Cas. Not after everything."
2) "God, (Dean) needed Cas to come back."
3) “'Cas,'” Sam called. 'We need you. Not because you’re an angel, but because you’re one of us. And Winchesters do not leave family behind.'”
4) “'You are family, Cas,'” Dean urged, searching, praying for a trace of blue to ignite those dead eyes. 'Family don’t end with blood.' In fact, it was stronger—stronger than biology, and stronger than a damn blood spell. It had to be."
5) "Please, God, if you ever gave a shit about anything, let this work.
Dean didn’t quite dare to hope the man upstairs was listening. But God had brought Cas back from the dead. Because he cared about the one fallen angel out of all the others? Because the Winchesters needed Castiel and somehow that mattered? Well, it sure as hell mattered to Dean and Sam."
6) “'Cas!' Oh shit, please had he not just killed his best friend."
7) "Dean clenched a fist, wishing he had the freedom of movement to slug the magician. 'Yeah, well, you picked the wrong angel to mess with.'”

You can see the theme here, I'm sure. Something the series itself seems to have forgotten whenever it comes to Castiel; however, we have you and other fabulous writers like you who remember that Cas *is* family and the Winchesters never forget it (at least when you're at the helm!)
hengrimm chapter 8 . 7/2/2018
I really enjoyed this chapter, for so many reasons. For the usual suspects, of course, with you, the elements of fiction. But mostly, I think, I enjoyed Sam's POV, his thoughts as things play out and his reaction to discovering how/what Castiel thinks of himself and really how he and Dean have failed Cas in not letting him know what he means to them. Because I know now that Sam is aware of the situation, the situation will change; Sam will make sure of it. (Another reason why I completely love *your* Winchesters over canon's.) I loved this bit of angst, and I *loved* the boys' reactions to both Castiel's opinion of himself and attempt to sacrifice himself for them. I loved the Winchesters trying to make Cas see what he means to them. I LOVED "'*Cas*, we came to rescue *you*.'" Because he deserves it and needs to know that they care about him. I really liked the lock-picking 'lesson' and how it's interwoven with dialogue, thoughts, and other action. And, yes, I can't wait until *somebody* (really, *anybody*, at this point) ganks Magnus!
hengrimm chapter 7 . 7/1/2018
Firstly, Magnus needs to die.

I really enjoyed the description, dialogue, and characterization of this chapter. I was a bit surprised when 'mansion' was described as only 3 stories, but that was before you revealed the true size of the place, with all the aisles and branching corridors and the overall space involved. I did want to flick Sam in the back of the head for wondering if they should check the 2nd or 3rd story for the zoo; seriously, dude? Have you been to a zoo? I thought it was obvious that of course it had to be on the ground floor or in a basement. I liked the description of Castiel's wings, though they sound quite beautiful so if they're "tarnished," I can only imagine in their natural state, they must gleam and reflect any light. Again, I love how your Winchesters show quite a bit of concern, love, and devotion to Castiel and how their mission has stayed the same (rescue Cas) and how they don't become daunted by that task. I like the atmosphere and mood you created in both setting off through the ground floor and again through the basement of the mansion.

And speaking of Castiel's wings ... there are a lot of SPN authors who depict his wings as damaged or discolored to various degrees because of his stint in Hell and it turns out that that's a pet peeve of mine. I have 2 issues with it. First, I love (yes, that's sarcasm)
hengrimm chapter 6 . 7/1/2018
Damn Magnus straight to Hell for using *that* (or, really, any) spell on my angel. Once again, I loved your descriptions and the details you shared, firmly anchoring me to this story and to Castiel's plight, which had to be so terrifying for him seeing as how he's practically an all-powerful creature so he's probably never experienced such feelings before. Castiel's thought about reaching out to his brothers and sisters, even though he knew they'd kill him, was heart-wrenching. I really liked the spell elements, how it was fire for his vessel while it was ice for his true form and the image of him trying to flee it was heartbreaking.

I loved the interaction between the Winchesters and Crowley and each other as they look for a spell. Sam refereeing Dean and Crowley put me in mind of the Ficlet "Sam's Woes." Again, I really love their characterization, even Crowley's; you do an amazing job with that. And once again, I just really love that the Winchesters are so utterly focused on *Cas*, on getting Cas out of there; there's no mention of the Colt or icing the devil or anything else, everything boiling down to getting Cas back. They way it should be. I think I love that best.
hengrimm chapter 5 . 6/30/2018
I hate the creepazoid Magnus and how he's treating Castiel. And how dare he assume he has any right to see any angel's wings. I don't like Castiel feeling dread and resigning himself to being a prisoner without any hope of rescue because he doesn't think the Winchesters would bother coming for him because their only goal is killing the devil. I hate that my sweet angel feels so utterly alone without any friends or family, feels that nobody cares for him at all or his predicament now. I hate that he's already getting down on himself, already thinking less of himself as he falls. Don't take it personally, it's not the story that I don't like; it's just that timeframe, S5, where Cas doesn't feel he belongs anywhere.

I did like the Winchesters' focus being on *Cas*, not the Colt, and how they're doing whatever it takes to get him back - even dealing with a crossroads demon and Dean willingly doing research. And not because he's a weapon or because of what he's already done for them but "more than that though, the angel had somehow become one of them." I still love how you do all 3 of the boys.

So now the Winchesters need to figure out how to breach an invisible mansion and get my angel out of there!
hengrimm chapter 4 . 6/29/2018
So now the original goal has shifted from getting the Colt, which Magnus *did* have, to getting Castiel back from Magnus.

I didn't like Magnus's fascination with Castiel at the beginning of the chapter and frankly I wanted to smack both Winchesters for not paying more attention to that. Yeah, yeah … Apocalypse kind of has their focus, but still. I also wanted to smack Sam for introducing Castiel to Magnus as an afterthought AND for not noticing instantly that Cas was gone when he woke up; Dean managed to do the latter at least. (No, don't worry; I don't hate Sam again, I just wanna smack him.) One of the most chilling statements ever: "'An angel will make a magnificent addition to my private zoo.'" I did like Dean's growing fury as he realizes Cas is gone, and I liked his reaction. I think your characterization of the boys is good, and I could hear their dialogue in their voices so good job there too. I like the sentiment behind "Yeah, no one messed with their angel."

Magnus is the ultimate creepazoid, btw: 4 cents short of a nickel coupled with crazy-powerful magic; he's the type that's all false geniality one moment and tantrum throwing pissy the next when he doesn't get his way. I don't like him.

Okay, I have to know: is Magnus canon? I've read other SPN stories where he's appeared or where there has been a supernatural collector who has decided he wants Castiel so I was just curious.
hengrimm chapter 3 . 6/28/2018
First off, I do NOT like Philo's reaction to Castiel in the last paragraph; it doesn't bode well for my sweet angel at all.

Huh … I was wrong: the bouncer-demons didn't betray TFW, it was a stupid warlock. I have to agree with Dean; you'd think a magical blade like Arthur's knife, a gift from God, would actually be a little less delicate. I also thought the no violence wards were easy to break; however, given that it's a relatively elite crowd that usually comes to the auctions - not a bunch of boors - I can see it making sense. Then, too, the bouncer-demons aren't there anymore either to help keep order. You also don't seem to like Meg very much. I remember another story you did with her, also set S5, but that's before she's redeemed by Castiel, where she had another small role to thwart TFW.

All in all, an enjoyable chapter, though, with plenty of action and moving the plot forward as TFW still gets a lead on Magnus, even without Crowley's help. Now there's suspense or unease moving forward, given Philo's reaction to Castiel at the end, never mind the Colt. Something else to keep in the back of the mind is Meg's - and therefore Lucifer's - sentiment toward Crowley and how that would make Dean and Sam if not actually trust Crowley, at least see him as the lesser of 2 evils. Onward!
hengrimm chapter 2 . 6/28/2018
Characterization continues to be awesome. I love the interaction between each of the boys and Crowley, reacting in ways I would expect them to. The fascinating auction is under way, though the boys find they are way out of their league here. They get the name of who has the Colt, though he isn't here, and just as Crowley introduces them to a fellow who does know where to find him, 7 demons crash the auction so I'm guessing the bouncer-demons were on someone else's payroll, most likely Lucifer's, and reported Winchesters and angel in attendance. Now we'll be able to test the no violence warding!

I loved the details and descriptions that continue to allow everything to play out so clearly in my head. Oh … something I forgot from chapter 1: I loved the appellation of 'Moose' for the first time and the basis behind 'Squirrel.'

Probably my most favorite line was Crowley to Castiel about the Winchesters: "'Honestly, how do you deal with their idiocy?'"

Btw, I'm glad the story is already completely posted so that I get to thoroughly enjoy your cliffhangers rather than get aggravgated by them!
hengrimm chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
I decided to go with some older SPN, though as you know S5 isn't my favorite, but since it's *before* Castiel becomes human, I don't hardly mind.

As is usual with you, I love your characterization and dialogue; TFW and Crowley are all in character. Better, actually, because your Winchesters *care* about Cas; he's not just a weapon or someone they turn to for help but then forget. And I love visiting with Crowley again; and I'm enjoying the nostalgia of re-visiting S5 TFW, back when it was just the 3 of them.

I love this AU already; not only is the concept of a clandestine supernatural auction fascinating but also Dean has to be right: "'Right,' Dean said with false cheer. 'Like there's no way this couldn't go horribly wrong.'" This promises to be a fun ride, and I can't wait to get it started!
XYZArtemis chapter 10 . 5/14/2018
Lovely job!
kitsune911 chapter 9 . 1/21/2017
Now, for a corrected comment (since I mistook your story for another story, because I fail), fuck Magnus... The guy creeps me out to no end and he seriously got what he deserved. Such a waste of a needed bullet, though. Perhaps something a little more gruesome would have sufficed, but either way, death is death, and that's all that matters!

Now I gotta go check Curio and make sure I didn't send a wrong review there as well, ha!
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