Reviews for Rewrite: A Half-breed's Life 1
Lisa8507 chapter 31 . 8/4
Hi, I started re-reading your story a few days ago. It is probably one of the best fanfics I have ever read. I hope you decide to do a part two of your Half-breed’s life rewrite
eovira chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
Hello ! I just wanted to know when and if there will be a part two ? Thank you your story is pretty good
JemDragons chapter 31 . 4/27/2019
Wait, really? Well that explains a lot. I was waiting for an update to bring this back to the top of the page, where I'd read all the chapters I missed. That was, in fact, a flawed plan it seems. Better look on your profile and see if the sequel's out yet.
FadeRenegade627 chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
Cool story, WAAAAYYYYY better than the first one by far. I just wish I had a better understanding of how strong Gohan is currently. For example, when he got captured by the cooler elite force and received training from them he said he should be 3 times as strong as normal. However, when Vegeta says that he lost muscle mass from lack of training and Gohan agreed with him, I couldnt help but think"but what about all that training by Cooler's squad?" Also, it was a little repetitive a little bit with every person Gohan encounters basically tells him he cant escape no matter how good the plan he comes up with. And when he finally do escape at the end of the day he gets capture again, forced to work as a soldier again with a different squad ( I enjoyed this part), and to be turned into Frieza and the saiyans basically putting him back in square one. Then Gohan states that he gonna escape again. The last gripe I have with the story is Gohan cannot be so strong that everyone (Cooler, Freiza, the saiyans) wants him on their team, but so weak that he cannot defend himself very well. It was stated some where towards the middle where Nappa told Vegeta that while Gohan was saving Raditz that Gohan's outburst matches or was near Vegeta's maximum power. Then, as the story progresses there is seeming no development of Gohan ever closing the gap between him and Vegeta.
x2leoj chapter 5 . 10/11/2018
Finally out of the bootcamo, ino the bootcamp saga was very boring to read, although there was some interesting facts about the saiyan race.
Framework chapter 31 . 7/28/2018
Where is the 2nd part? I can't find it anywhere?
Guest chapter 31 . 3/11/2018
This was a fun ride, looking forward to the rest
nancy103 chapter 31 . 3/10/2018
I never read the original version since you said that you prefer this version better.
I look forward to reading the next installment! Thank you!
Ky111 chapter 31 . 3/10/2018
Great way to wrap up the first part of the rewrite.

So Gohan has decided to dedicate his life to bring Frieza down, this will become easier once he learns his comrades also share this ambition.

dbzfan the first chapter 31 . 3/10/2018
great hope the next will be up soon
Akatsuki Uchiha fangirl chapter 30 . 1/5/2018
love the chapter
Lord0 chapter 30 . 12/24/2017
Poor Gohan. They'll never believe him now
Leon Venxus chapter 30 . 12/14/2017
Did this just turn into rated M
Leon Venxus chapter 28 . 12/12/2017
Dude, you never stop to amaze me, your writing is phenomenal
dbzfan the first chapter 30 . 11/25/2017
nice hope the next will be up sooner
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