Reviews for High School Never Ends
MasterCaster chapter 5 . 12/31/2018
I found this story sometime this morning and been reading it all day. I really enjoyed it and loved how you portrayed the characters.
The Critic of FanFiction chapter 4 . 12/13/2017
I was asked to review this story a while ago but got bombarded and unable to really read it. I had the chance to and I feel that there was so much wonder in this story that I had to read it again and again.

The beauty in this story is that it's real. It is experienced by so many people as they grow up and learn to let go and figure out what the next step in this life is going to be. I can't say that I saw much of it myself but I had friends that did and I feel you really nailed it in this story.

You kept the characters normal, you created the world I grew up in so well via your masterful writing and I am enthused to see that you continue to write and do your best at what you like. You are fantastic and this story is truly something worth a second or third or fifth look.

I'll be giving it 5 stars because it is just that good and I would he wrong to give anything less. You've created a masterpiece in this story and I am happy you asked me to read it.

So happy.

reallyfreakingnerdy chapter 4 . 2/17/2016
It does the heart good to read something so poignant and beautiful every now and again. Amazing job.
PhoenixVersion1 chapter 4 . 8/10/2015
Ahh! The meta! It burns so good! :D I'm flattered lol

Great chapter though! Was this the end? It certainly seemed to be bringing things to a close... Or preparing for the college chapters?

As always, great work, and I can't wait to read more!
writer-person2 chapter 3 . 6/17/2015
The reference to 'Mechanics of a Friendship' was also nice.
writer-person2 chapter 3 . 6/17/2015
I like how you referenced your username. The romance between both Eddy and Lee and Ed and May was cute and well-developed. And the last scene with Sarah and Jimmy was hilarious! :)
EnvyAndZero chapter 3 . 5/31/2015
I love it! I like Lee and Eddy's relationship, and hope to see more of that in the future. I also like Jimmy's character! Thanks for a great fanfic!
writer-person2 chapter 2 . 5/21/2015
This story is very interesting and enjoyable! I really like the way you word things when writing descriptions. It's very detailed and flows well. :)
PhoenixVersion1 chapter 3 . 5/19/2015
I can't honestly say what I loved more in this chapter. Eddy and Lee? May and Edd? A meta reference to your pen name? It was all amazing, as always!
StellahhhBella chapter 3 . 5/18/2015
Okay, that last part with jimmy and Sarah was a riot! I'm loving the character development!
Brandon the Scrivener chapter 3 . 5/10/2015
Excellent, I'm very glad you are continuing this. I've always been a fan of your work.

I was also wondering if I could talk to you on a professional level. See I have a G community for EEnE and I wanted to make a segment where I could post links to certain EEnE fanfics. I hope youll consider (it is free advertising after all). I'd consider it a great personal favor. Thanks again and well done
EnvyAndZero chapter 2 . 3/26/2015
Love it! Please write more!
EnvyAndZero chapter 1 . 3/26/2015
I love it! First off awesome title! Lemme just say that watching the show I usually don't like Jimmy, but you totally explore a different side of his personality! Thanks for an awesome fanfic!
PhoenixVersion1 chapter 2 . 1/2/2015
Absolutely fantastic.
Brandon the Scrivener chapter 2 . 12/31/2014
So glad you're continuing this. You are one of my favorite authors and this is one of my favorite stories. You have done everything right with this story. Please continue, I seriously enjoy this story.
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