Reviews for Caviva's little issue
FJ chapter 4 . 4/15
Only 6,526 miles to go!
FJ chapter 2 . 4/15
Guest chapter 6 . 11/20/2018
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG also can you please expand on that thing you said wine aviva and Chris where fighting when she said
“I only daytimes him because my dad said he would!BEAT ME! (WHAT THE FRICK) if I didn’t”
Guest chapter 4 . 11/20/2018
Honestly, that was the best conversation anybody has ever had with a carton characters in their lives
Blade Ice chapter 6 . 12/30/2015
Hey! Do a little zach biolance
Someone chapter 6 . 9/6/2015
Make more!
Wralai chapter 4 . 6/10/2015
* Explodes with laughter *
Kiko chapter 6 . 4/22/2015
Kiko: well that was random lol!
Martin:well you wen't the one under that tree!
Kiko: true but it was still AWESOME that you didn't get hurt
Chris: what about me?
Kiko: I meant both of you
Chris: :3
Kiko chapter 4 . 4/22/2015
Kiko:*see's Martin get left behind* Chris uhh you're leaving your bro behind..
Chris:no we're..*looks out the window to see Martin running behind waving his hands like a mad man* AHHHHH JIMMY STOP WE'RE LEAVING MARTIN BEHIND!
Jimmy:I can see that...*sees Martin trip over and face plant* sigh I'll turn this ship around
KIKO SAVES THE DAY AGAIN! (okay not the day only Martin)
This is a good story but I don't and won't believe that Chris was married to Donita kay now that that's settled keep on writing cool story's!
ligersrcool chapter 6 . 2/16/2015
i would think a wedding gown would be floor length, but i'm not the one writing, so whatever you decide is fine. as for the hurricane, i love the drama! :D
Guest chapter 4 . 2/11/2015
Well two things.
1-MARTIN PLAYS WITH BARBIES?!:oSince when does he play with Barbie dolls?!
2-Oh yeah!I'm awesome,I must be,Martin said so.I play with Barbie Dolls and I'm almost in double digits. _
wildkrattskid12 chapter 6 . 2/11/2015
the guest who said it was B******* for not posting chapters more quickly or something along those lines.

1.) I'm not able to get on frequently- I can only get on about once every several months, so I can't post new chapters that often.
2.) Please don't use language like that when commenting on my stories. I'm fine if you comment- I want to know what you think and what I can improve on- but please do not curse like that.
Krattsandcats chapter 5 . 1/21/2015
Hey! Great story! I hope the last chapter comes fast! Hope you don't mind me saying, that, this story is going a little fast, don't 'cha think? But don't worry, still a fascinating story!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/3/2014
I am the wild kratts fan
I speak for the kratts ,
And I'm here to to say
( for not making the final chapter yet)
Dawnfire05 chapter 5 . 7/16/2014
Yay. I wanna know Chris's plan, but at least Aviva forgave Chris at last.
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