Reviews for The Returned
ArtimuosJackson chapter 2 . 11/15/2019
Wait Clark sold his own house and Diana's flat in London and still cannot afford a better place, did you know how much a flat in London costs and Diana has a large flat in new 52.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/10/2019
As far as "smut" is concerned, many other writers have been incredibly graphic, perhaps even pornographic, in their description. Some have even spent numerous paragraphs describing minor details. What I think is unusual is that I suspect that some of those writers might be female. I suppose that that is only fair. Men cannot possibly be the only ones that can be extremely graphic in the description of coitus. I'm more than old enough to read them, it's just that sometimes I wish writers would use more poetic euphemisms.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/10/2019
If Oprah were 30 yrs younger she could play Waller. She has experience making high-power executive decisions. Beyonce MIGHT be able to pull it off but I fear she might want too much money, etc. Janet Jackson? Ma-a-a-aybe? Who else can play "sweetfaced malevolence?" Jada has the acting chops but she's going to be seen as "Fishmooney" for several years more even though Gotham is no longer airing. Robin Williams was surprisingly successful in dramatic roles so perhaps someone should research comediennes/comic actresses? How about Aisha Tyler? Aisha is tall, beautiful, & has an excellent voice. The actor that played Gen Lane in the 1st season of Supergirl is too FAT! Portly generals don't cut it in the Army any more! I'm aware of a military unit where a 4-star LEADS the monthly Command Run (& I do mean LEAD! NO portly slowpokes!). Yes, there are fat G.I.'s in all branches, but they don't last very long-lose weight or you're OUT!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/10/2019
David's grilling the tweaker. The chemical smell is coming from the. . .meat.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/10/2019
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (yes THAT Elvira!) was briefly a caretaker of the House of Mystery 30-ish years ago! At the time of this writing Ancient Aliens has been airing for ELEVEN years! Astounding! By the way, Dr. Roger Huntoon from Heroes with Issues? SM Kara, & J'Onn are ET's. Hawkman &/or Hawkwoman are sometimes ET's or reincarnated humans or both or neither or whatever (DC can't make up their minds). Most of the Legion of Superheroes are ET's but that's 1000 yrs in the future & the JL doesn't know that. Krypto is an ET. Beppo is an ET (am I the only one that remembers Beppo the Super-Monkey? OK, not one of DC's best characters but they've had FAR worse that were more popular. Does anyone remember "Prez?" That idea was TRULY awful!).
Guest chapter 14 . 7/10/2019
Despite having been declared legally dead, "David" would have been immediately declared MIA/Prisoner of War & returned to Active Duty for the entire POW period (40-ish years). He would have received a HUGE paycheck for all of his backpay. Once he was cleared for military retirement, he might receive a few final active duty paychecks, officially retired, & would begin to receive monthly retirement pay. This period would have started from the 1st day of his enlistment until his official retirement, meaning he would have ALMOST 50 years of service. With an official diagnosis of PTSD he would also be combat-disabled, perhaps at 100%, which might also increase his retirement pay. So, absoDAMNlutely no pennypinching pittance for "David." General Lane would be court martialed, lose ALL of his rank, possibly spend time in the military prison, & lose ALL military retirement benefits if he interfered with this process. Once released from prison or kicked out he could live in a cardboard box or with Lois. His choice. Even if David was determined to be possessed, he would still be "David Kent."
Guest chapter 13 . 7/10/2019
I thought that Constantine was some kind of semi-disgraced, but not completely fallen, angel. I thought that he was kinda-sorta-almost supposed to be working at regaining Redemption. Oh, well. I was watching Gotham on dvd but my money ran out after the 2nd season. I was also watching the other DC shows and buying the dvd's but I still lack the cash. Arrow is about to start a very short final season which coincides with a Crisis/Infinite Earths crapfest (sadly, I'm old enough to have lived through the 1st one. 30 years of problems!). Your SM is VERY wishy-washy, WW has MAJOR anger issues, & their marriage sounds fragile. With David's extreme possibility of major PTSD problems & having a 1 year-old super-child I would have said NO WAY-NO HOW-NOT EVER-NEVER! Too many red flags are flying & SM's ignoring WW, BM, & ZZ. SM should've said is "I have a 1 year old & can't take the risk." Then there'd be no story. Oops! Oh, plus Gen Lane plus Waller. Can we say "Illegal Medical Experiments?" Oh, yes, & David might be a magical cannibal. This sounds like a Hammer Films version of "Dark Shadows" on magical steroids (the old tv version not the asinine movie!).
SuperWonderStan chapter 44 . 1/19/2019
While it was interesting getting more on Bruce and Zatanna, things still feel very incomplete with Clark and Diana. I wish their interactions and relationship were a bit more fleshed out. I guess it is because this is more of a thriller/horror story, but I wish we really got to see more of the warmth and bond that exists between Diana and Kal/Clark. Their deep connection in the comics (before the deliberate efforts to dismantle it) is something they are known for. I hope this is something we will see in the sequel as SMWW adjusts to life with Clark in a weakened state as he slowly heals.

I'm curious about why no attempts were made to expose SM to direct sunlight to aide in his healing as it were the release of all his stored solar energy that has resulted in his current predicament? Also curious you learn what exactly happened to baby Jon and what he did to wake up his papa? How is Diana handling a more vulnerable Clark, what are the psychological affects.

And last but not least, what exactly is Zatanna up to? Hope you have not given up on writing the follow up story to this one seeing that it was last updated over a year ago. I'm one of those impatient people who can't stand to read stories while it is in progress because I want to know right away what's happening next, especially given your propensity for cliffhangers. LOL

Do come back soon. Hope you are well.
Thank you for sharing with us.
SuperWonderStan chapter 28 . 1/18/2019
This story is both enthralling and frustrating at the same time with all these cliffhangers and roadblocks (never mind that all I have to do is simply click 'next' for the following chapter I still feel impatient as I dread getting closer and closer to the end of this story knowing that the sequel isn't complete yet.

You are certainly a talented writer.
DracoShagMe chapter 41 . 12/20/2018
I adore your take on General Kent even though he's an ultimate asshole and a xenophobe (as he should be). youre brilliant!
DracoShagMe chapter 29 . 12/20/2018
Awww yas! ive beeb waiting for Little jon's point of view and it's absolutely awesome and adorable!
DracoShagMe chapter 13 . 12/20/2018
i felt the shiver go down my spine when David winked at Diana *vomits*
Guest chapter 44 . 1/9/2017
I absolutely loved this story! The plot was fantastic, the relationships between the characters was elaborate and accurate, and it was a perfect mixture of a lot of the genres we enjoy. Nicely done! Can't wait for the next one.
dokebibeats chapter 7 . 8/25/2016
So, I've been reading your fic for 7 chapters so far and I have to say that I absolutely love Clark and Diana's relationship and I really like the fact that you mentioned that Diana committed her ways to PEACE AND PROTECTION, which is something that's SO SO IMPORTANT in the lore of Wonder Woman that I feel like a lot of writers forget about. While she may be trained as a warrior, she always approaches the peaceful way as a diplomat before going to fight as a soldier when there's no other choice.

Also, in this chapter...I really enojyed how you gave distinct voices for all the league members and their dialogue in the meeting just bounced off really smoothly and it's just really good stuff. Keep up the good work! I'll continue to read more!
Medusa Fiction chapter 44 . 5/1/2016
Fantastic ending, I adore the relationship between Bruce and Zatanna and I'm looking forward for what's to come between them in your next story.
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