Reviews for The Five Times Robin Almost Met the Evil Queen
Dance Elle Dance chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
Ah, this was beautiful. So nicely written. Great job!
AglaiaWar chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
I love this. It is so wonderfully written. I love how you wrote Robin's preception of Regina... and then how wrong it really was. Bravo. I'd love to see what happens next.
kika210 chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
Cool idea! I like that Regina told him to steal her jewels, all the while leading Robin to believe that she was a servant of the Queen. But moreso, I really liked the storyline where Robin was on his way to meet his future fiancée - like I really really really didn't want it to end. Especially since he kept going on & on about how he was so sure Regina was too unattractive to get married if not for her title & wealth. I just wanted him to see her & eat his words (or thoughts), lol.
wickedshenanigans chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
I loooved this story. So much. I love the fleshing out of the concept of soulmates and what that actually means, and the idea that they came so close to meeting but never actually did. I just loved it, such a wonderful idea and written so well. I liked that you sort of hung each near encounter on the idea of timing, as brought up by Robin himself. That fate or destiny or whatever couldn't help but throw them into each other's paths, but something deeper, their own souls or a different part of fate knew that they wouldn't be good for each other at any of those other times. I loved that you showed Robin's development as well as Regina's. Loved that he wasn't such a great person in his early life, judgemental and shallow and selfish. His scorn and the blind assumptions he makes on the girl he was supposed to marry were great, knowing as we do how it ends up and how Regina at that moment probably would have suited him. Maybe it was him who wouldn't have suited her, who knows?
Their almost-moment in the tavern was another great insight into the person Robin once was. His perception of what 'honourable women' do, and that he seems to place more importance on the honour of others than of himself, and his casual interest in acquiring a wife as one might a nice tea set, just shows how far he still has to come.
The last three missed chances are definitely my favourites. The moment with the disguised peasant-woman Regina possibly leading, though it's a tough call. I just love the state of mind they're both in at that time, Robin so consumed with grief and self-loathing and Regina's blunt assessment of him and of herself. Her dull, bitter references to her own darkness and the people's opinion of her were very nicely done. You could really see her coming to that resignation of it being too late for her, that she was evil, that everyone hated her and always would. Her lack of care for herself was both sad and poignant. I love the way she calls him up on every part of his behaviour and that he opens up to her because of it.
"Yes, she's a bit of a fool at that, but she will hate me all the same. Give it time." Great line, especially when coupled with the end glimpse of Snow's anger in the wake of discovering who her companion really was.
The scene in the vault was very interesting in terms of Regina's mental state. Were you going for actual insanity from her here? The act of polishing the jewels she obviously hates is indicative of that, as well as her mention of her mother. Her 'Nothing I don't deserve' was haunting. Like Robin, I'm not quite sure what's going on, but I'm captivated. Loved Robin's thoughts on her, her beauty, offering to take her with him, calling her bossy. Warning her that 'The Queen' will kill her, concerned, but not enough to insist. This scene was intriguing and fascinating and very original.
A close second favourite is his observations on her in the Enchanted Forest. The idea that he and his men were tracking them is wonderful - after all, how else could he have been there so conveniently to save her and Snow from the monkey? I love this scene for the insights into Robin-as-we-know-him; he's softer, more worldly, less prone to snap judgements, more understanding of the deep pain that causes people to behave in certain ways. Roland's fascination with her, matched only by his father's, was adorable. Love that you had Regina attempt to crush her own heart before giving up and burying it. Robin's instinctive draw towards her in that scene, as though something inside him couldn't let his soulmate die, was beautifully done. I also like the idea of him eavesdropping on her conversation with Snow. I wonder what he thinks about their changed relationship. And of course, his reaction to really looking at her, seeing her with the knowledge of *exactly* who she was for the first time was perfect. His connection with the 'maid' he stole from, his curiosity peaked, his thought that she could have (and could still be) his wife. Soulmate connection, made! *Sigh*
His final thoughts on all the times he could have met her but didn't were melancholy and beautiful. He loooooves her! "his wife it is a difficult word to swallow when days ago he saw another in her place" Ugh, beautiful, perfect!
Aaaand this got rambly, but I really, really loved this story! :)
Lady Octarina chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
This was brilliant! But now I need to read a fic where Regina and Robin did meet and got married as youngsters )
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
nonsequiturvy chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
This was so utterly blindingly brilliant that I had to go away for a while after reading it and then come back and I still can't think of words to adequately express to you how much I loved and felt inspired by it and your writing and just everything. Goodness. Thank you!
JLC63 chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Loved this. Just awesomely done.
silvertonedwords chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
This is such a beautiful concept, such clever situations, wonderfully executed. I really enjoyed reading it.
Anny Rodrigues chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Favor chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
This was excellent! While she needed to grow leaps in bounds, he needed growth too, and I like that you humanize him a bit. We see his shallow immaturity, him trying to anesthetize after losing his wife, his daring almost reckless nature, and the man he's become. It'd be interesting to see her perspective in all of these encounters. Also, did she recognize him while disguised as a peasant? Good stuff!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Spectacular !
HeroineGauddess chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Really love that all their encounters rolled into one, really; how they just kept missing each other unbeknownst to them.
Very good, well written and thought out (:
Lucinda2323 chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
I absolutely love this! The idea that these two have been circling around each other's lives for years is such a beautiful one, and it was so well-executed here. The way you showed that Robin also had had chances that he either spurned or gave up on is such an intriguing idea, and I love the tag line of this story that "destiny works in twos" - so true and brilliant! I also love the specific scenes you chose to write their almost-moments as well, which gave Robin a more in-depth picture of Regina as a person once he met her and realized who she had been. And the ending moment when he is still longing for her even though they've been pulled apart again is so wonderfully hopeful. Splendid job!
scifigrrl chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
This is fantastic!
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