Reviews for Zero Sum Game
Cheshirek3t chapter 1 . 9/2/2019
I have a better question: what's the king's name (͡ ͜ʖ ͡)
ijpowers92 chapter 14 . 1/20/2019
This is a great story. I'm glad I found it.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 9 . 11/13/2018
...the 10 Pledges would just force Kirche (who was somehow bet/traded by her own father like a piece of property without her consent) to go through with the wedding, even if Elden already had a dozen wives.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 6 . 11/13/2018
"If you don't have enough coins to meet the minimum bet, such as only having three or four chips, then you must bet everything you have."

This should be reworded to "all your remaining chips", otherwise you are betting your own existence.

"Siesta would have questioned why he would bother using one deck of cards over another, but decided she didn't care enough to ask and put her deck back in her pocket."

...In a world where Reality is decided by games, she honestly thinks that? When she herself cheats at poker with the other maids? That's beyond retarded, that is being willfully ignorant. I could maybe, MAYBE see Louise doing something like that, if the bet was something not very important, but this is breaking my suspension of disbelief as it only seems to be characters suddenly acting stupid for the sake of The Plot.

"Hmmmmm… I bet Siesta," Louise says after a few seconds contemplation."

...She can't. Siesta WORKS for her and contrary to whatever dystopian fascist hellhole you think either FoZ or NGNL is that does not grant ownership of a person like a slave.

"Besides, he hadn't technically bet his maids, he'd just made an observation."

Rule #3. If Motte didn't bet, then technically Louise hasn't bet anything either.

Yeah, as entertaining as this story is comedy wise, I don't think you would last a day in the NGNL world, or at least you would have to start learning very fast.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 5 . 11/13/2018
"He physically abuses his maids and occasionally loans them out for a nominal fee," Siesta says. "Not respectable in the least, but technically not illegal due to the terms he sets up when he hires maids. As such, we can't exactly do anything about it."

Causing physical or sexual injury is against The Rules, specifically number 2, as noted by Sora.
You can't even have regular sex without both being consenting, much less the degeneracy Motte is doing, unless the servants were absolutely retarded enough to bet their free will or the equivalent, which would require that Motte bet something of equal value, i.e. his own free will, which he would never do.

"No one will ever support someone like you."

The Rules of the Universe mean she literally does not need the support of anyone, so long as she doesn't bet her right to rule. She could dismantle the noble caste entirely and switch over to publicly elected offices if she felt like it/she was smart enough.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
Eh, while I get that sooooooooooooooooooooo many fictional stories abuse the notion of "a favor" being a relativistic term, so it could mean "anything", the actual truth, which would DEFINITELY apply in a world where the words of a bet bend reality, is that "a favor" can ONLY mean something if both parties agree to it. Seeing this kind of vague language get abused for plot purposes always disgusts me on an intellectual level.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 2 . 11/13/2018
Hmm, so Blank Brimir then.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
Well...this certainly throws the whole "nobles are in charge because magic" thing out of whack, though I also wouldn't be surprised if they were like the elves, in that they are cheating with magic as much as possible.

I only wish Blank was here to be Louise's Familiar, because winning through blind luck gets boring very, very quickly, the character may as well manipulate reality directly at that point.
firebirdnamedsam chapter 14 . 1/22/2018
Dude, I freaking love this story. Please continue it! The last game had just the right mix of humor and suspense, I couldn't stop reading.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/10/2017
Great story.
Sazq chapter 14 . 7/29/2017
I love your story. I really hope you will update it again soon.
v3yah chapter 14 . 6/9/2017
I just finished watching NGNL series so I am lucky to find this gem I love your humor it's hilarious and the storyline is pretty interesting

I hope you can update soon I'm curious what type werebeast Tabitha is and how Louise reaction to it
or how Louise going to win this game? what about the sign when the race piece is used as bet pretty sure all Tristanian will know about it
fingersstainedwithink chapter 14 . 5/14/2017
This story is amazing and so funny. I really hope you'll continue it again.
Mr Miliardo chapter 14 . 4/23/2017
You know, for this to be a ZnT flavoured crossover it's... weird. Started quite normal, the absence of manifest magic and above all the absence of the de facto racism towards those who couldn't use magic made it oddly pleasant even with the absence of Saito, but this last anachronistic schizo-tech arc sent me for a spin. I mean, they have full dive virtual reality but still travel on carriages and horses? It'd be like if in the middle of the industrial revolution someone managed to invent a honest to God working atom bomb without going through all the steps required to get there nor having any way to deliver it. _

Timelines and tech related idiosyncrasies aside, quite the good fic. Hope you didn't abandon it yet. :)
xenocross chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
you have made a mistake here
siesta cant kick count mort. that would violate the ten oaths
except if the count subconsciously consent being kicked on the groin
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