Reviews for Sacrifice?
cjenx chapter 7 . 11/8/2018
just remembered why I never finished reading this the first time, its silly, its the 100 universe and yet Anya's siblings are talking about going to the movies, high school and condoms?!
Enkmenessa chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
Please sequel this
Guest chapter 16 . 11/13/2016
Has someone written a sequel for this?
Vanadis4 chapter 16 . 10/14/2016
I feel like this chapter was a big let down. You started this story and it had great ideas and it was extremely enjoyable to read. Then you seemed to get confused and wrote as if they were living in a normal world, and not the post apocalyptic world they are actually in. There a lots of small details which don't add up in the type of world and society the 100 is actually set in. Such as the food in this chapter, how would they have fish and all those other ingredients in space? It just doesn't add up.
I don't mean to criticise you to the point of saying this is a bad story, because it isn't, it just doesn't seem like it was planned out properly and after about halfway it stopped flowing well and seemed rushed. I'm sad to say that but I feel that it's true.
I'd like to read more from you, but I think you need to focus on the details and making a really authentic story which slots in well in the world it's written in.
Loriel831 chapter 16 . 8/29/2016
plz update
double d chapter 16 . 8/24/2016
great chapter but maybe you should add more drama,action and clarke/raven getting pregnant and octavia with someone
griffrose chapter 16 . 8/11/2016
technology it's a love hate relationship hope you can figure out what's wrong with it
EvilRegal2019 chapter 15 . 8/4/2016
*wolf whistles*
EvilRegal2019 chapter 12 . 8/4/2016
Anya: I want to kill him...
Clarke: No.
Taylor: Can I kill him?
Raven: No.
Me: So... I can kill him?
Raven/Clarke: No.
Me/Anya/Taylor: Pleeeeaaaaase!
Raven/Clarke: NO!
EvilRegal2019 chapter 10 . 8/4/2016
Love Anya
EvilRegal2019 chapter 5 . 8/4/2016
Love! Jasper, Monty, Raven, Octavia, Bellamy, Anya, And Clarke! GROUP BROTP! Finn bruh. Chill.
EvilRegal2019 chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
Loriel831 chapter 15 . 7/13/2016
loved plz update
Artemis Farron chapter 15 . 7/8/2016
I love the new chapter! I really like the Anya Clarke relationship and the cutsie protective Anya and Taylor watching over their significant others together.
SilentStormSociety chapter 15 . 7/6/2016
I'm so happy you came back to update this story! You did a really great job with this chapter! Thanks so much! It was so exciting!
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