Reviews for Chasing Smoke with Bare Hands
primaveras chapter 1 . 7/16
Oof...this hurt me in the best yet worst way possible, if that even makes sense. I'm going to have to go read some SS fics to heal my soul lmao, I can't stand a sad Sasuke tbh ;-; (even if he does deserve to have his ass kicked lmao).

But anyway, this was a really wonderful fic! I think you really captured Sasuke's character, altho personally I never thought he expected Sakura to wait for him. And omg, I loved the Narusaku - like you, years ago when I was super into Naruto (I'm on a nostalgia binge right now lol), SS was my main pairing but I always had a soft spot for NS. Tbh if the manga ended in NS w/ Sasuke just being happy and at peace (even if he ended up alone or with more mature Karin) I would've been happy. NS just has such a sunshiney quality that you wrote perfectly from Sasuke's POV, and I'm glad Sakura was still nice and gentle w/ Sasuke but wouldn't stand for him to insult Naruto.

The angst tho...again, so well done. My heart aches for Sasuke even if he's an asshole as usual lol. Sakura's my favorite and one thing I hate in fics (and the manga lol) is how he treats Sakura like trash sometimes and it's never really addressed. That's why I'm so picky I guess... luckily your Sakura didn't take any of his sh*t lmao.

Thanks for this hurtful oneshot, it was great! Now to heal my soul~
behindthosewalls chapter 1 . 6/2
SasuSaku will always be my main ship but like you, I also have a soft spot for NaruSaku! I'm actually happy how this ended. In an alternate universe, maybe naruto and sakura could really end up together too. And oh, Sasuke deserved that after everything he has put her through. I love this story! Pls do more one-shots ️
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14
Great story
soshichic chapter 1 . 3/1
A little too late but damn, this is beautifully heartbreaking. Now I know why Kishi ended the manga with NaruHina and SasuSaku.
Spirit Seer chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
I haven't finished reading the manga, but this is equally so well-written that I could have seen this happening, too. Having been frustrated also with how Sasuke's treated Sakura and yet they still end up together, I also derived some satisfaction reading Naruto win, lol. Very nice AU. Thanks for the read.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
This was amazing! Sasusaku is also my main ship but I’ve always had a soft spot for Narusaku and I’ve always wondered what would happen if Sakura walked away from Sasuke. This story really portrayed it really well and I also just love the writing style. Thank you for this one shot!
enrimoe chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
i swear sasusaku is my OTP but sometimes i am feeling sad for Sakura and thinking she would have an easier life if she ended up with naruto. like if NS was canon, i did not really mind. but again, Sakura's love for sasuke is beyond humanly impossible and She'd rather have a bumpy journey as long as she's with the one she loves truly. but yeahh i agree with you on your last sentence for how sasuke acted lol. I love this fic on different way, the angst's so goood, and i am so fucking glad you wrote this from Sasuke pov.
daliapv.perez chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
Amén hermana.
Ushindeshi chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
I definitely agree with you. Sakura deserves to be treated right.
Sloshi chapter 1 . 6/3/2019
I’m not crying, you’re crying
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
I love this. SasuSaku is my main ship, too but during the times they weren't canon yet I almost felt that Sakura will eventually love Naruto. Anyway, I love how your story turned out. My emotions were swirling. Kudos!
Saba Shiekh chapter 1 . 12/29/2018
That's really great
Just Veia chapter 1 . 11/30/2018
This was great! As much as I am a SasuSaku shipper, I always knew that she could be happy with Naruto if she gave him a chance. NaruSaku is actually a stronger and healthier couple when you think about it because they both bring out the best in one another whereas it seems Sakura only brings out the best in Sasuke. Thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
Gosh. I do really love this kind of stories
Narusaku ftw
Kimmypuff123 chapter 1 . 9/11/2018
this story is amazing no matter how many times i read it. im a naru/saku fan (mild sasu/saku) and this is exactly how i wish the show's ending went tbh. all in all this story is great!
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