Reviews for Two Rivers: 5 Years Later
Guest chapter 1 . 5/25
Yo! I just wanna say this is a great story and i would love it if you continue if you dont it will be a great disappointment as there are many people who are looking forward to the next series of this fanfic. Please keep writing this fanfic as it is just that good.
Secret606 chapter 32 . 5/2
Oh my God I just re read the whole thing. I was in fifth grade when I found your stories. I read them and I wrote them down as my 30 book challenge God this made me cry I love this so much and think of it often. I'm now in highschool and making my own hxh story! You've really motivated me.
CelestialSky chapter 4 . 4/24
Ma’am, I was planning to yknow nap after this chapter but then you just have to introduce gon like that so I GUESS I’m staying up now!
lemonfactoryxx chapter 32 . 4/30/2019
hEh I totally like how Ging just stole the food and left them there.
Anyway, I've just finished this Two rivers story and as you may know, this story had finished a long time ago. So long ago, in fact, that I've started to doubt that you as the author actually want to continue it now. So I just want to remind you that there are MANY people looking forward to you finishing off this story. They have loved this series and want to read more of it. And you know what, so do I. If you don't give us the next part of Two Rivers... I WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.
Now finish the story and all will be happy :D
Romy SessKag Naegiri LaLu LoLu chapter 32 . 3/31/2019
I hope you plan on still writing the Dark Continent story because I loved these stories and can't wait to see what happens next I binge read both of these stories. :D
Guest chapter 32 . 3/30/2019
I hope you are still writing the next story I would love to see what happens next :D
SunnydayToday chapter 32 . 3/18/2019
I have enjoyed this SO MUCH. I honestly believe that i love and value this series at least equal to the original. You are so talented and i am wishing you all the encouragement you could possibly want.

JustSome01 chapter 32 . 11/16/2018
Oh my gosh! This was a very very amazing story! i'm itching to know what will happen to them in your part 3 story. i love it when they go on adventure together.
Thank you author-san for this loveliest story you've made~
VampireCiel96 chapter 32 . 7/18/2018
is there gonna a part 3?
GoldenKingOfUnlimitedBlades chapter 3 . 1/30/2018
At least he’s not completely broken. I also sorta feel for what’s-her-name
Sherlsepeare chapter 27 . 1/29/2018
Was Anita in the story before this chap? I really don't remember who that is
Sherlsepeare chapter 1 . 1/28/2018
I'll break here cuz I need to say this.

What the hell is wrong with you? You give Mito a love interest and it's frikking Illumi? You're insane...that's's just brilliant! Only...feel bad for Mito. She's probably getting a second heart break
Doorly4 chapter 9 . 11/15/2017
How sad, you are really good at this.
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 31 . 11/1/2017
Going is waaaay too casual. And Killian pics way too soon. Is he trying to be some kind of control freak and failing horribly? I'd love to know about the adventures of Alluka! The Dark Continent is home to a part of her, right? And she's with Gon... let Going have a bad impression of Killian. And what's with the limit on Godspeed?

And did he just control lighting during that fight? I love how fucking fast Killua is. Is he faster than Going when using Godspeed?
Morning Songbird chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
you know when I first read the Illumi and Mito thingy, I totally shivered in disgust but now I actually quite like it
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