Reviews for Subtle Smiles
Essa chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
Broadwaygirl21 chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
This is Ozmazing! (I'm a wicked fan)
You totally captured Tate perfectly! And you're right, he wants to be her father, but again, he doesn't want to be her father.
But Belowve is amazing, don't stop writing!
And if you can, check out my story "There's Another One?" It's a believe story and it's two years into the future, bit Tate and Bo don't know they're father, daughter. It's very AU, so you can read it and it won't be spoiled!
msdgnjjewi chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
This was absolutely FANTASTIC! I LOVED IT! Will u do me one favor if its not to much to ask? Will u continue to write stories for Believe? I absolutely love the show and there are not enough stories on here so...can u please write more of them? You are such an amazing writer! :)