Reviews for Safe & Sound
Rhyme chapter 10 . 3/24
I love this story and I’m so glad it’s back! Thank you for the new chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
guuuutzzii chapter 9 . 3/20
Jasmin chapter 9 . 3/12
I love your story and would be happy if you continue it :)
Beval84 chapter 9 . 3/9
Me ! I’m interested !Your story is really good ! Can’t wait for the next chapter !
BellarkeandonlyBellarke chapter 9 . 3/9
I'd love for you to finish it if you are considering it. Loved it so far
Guest chapter 9 . 3/8
I’ll definitely still read it! Loved it! I’m glad you’re coming back around and glad to hear you’ve been doing well
AmandaH109 chapter 8 . 8/14/2019
Please tell me that you still plan on continuing this story? I have really enjoyed it so far and would love to know what happens next. Are the mountainmen going to be bad in this fic? I know in the book that most of them are actually good, so I know you could go either way. And it would be good to know what is happening to their people who are on the outside too. Maybe you can give us Finn perspective too? Because I know in the show that they had him go mad when Clarke was missing, and I'm wondering if you are going to do that too. He's death in the show was such a shocker and I think he deserved better. I never really liked him for Clarke, but still couldn't find it in my heart to hate his character. I'm a Bellarke fan through and through. It probably would of been better for him to find someone new, instead of killing him off. I didn't think he should be with Clarke or Raven after what he did to them but I still would of wanted better for him than they actually gave him. Anyway please think about continuing, I would love to know how this ends.
Athenyx chapter 8 . 11/3/2017
I really enjoy this story and hope you’ll update soon ️ I want to know who’s in the basement!
Florane chapter 8 . 6/17/2015
Please, tell me there's another chapter! :) :)
Kloud chapter 8 . 4/11/2015
Where's the next chapter
Kloud chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
Great job love it your a good writer.
7rt80rt chapter 8 . 2/17/2015
Plz give more chapters
bluestriker666 chapter 8 . 12/26/2014
great job...keep it up
SMC-Country chapter 8 . 12/22/2014
Hey! It's smc-country from tumblr. Just want to say that I really love this story! It's awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Kayl12 chapter 8 . 12/19/2014
This is so good! Please write again ASAP!
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