Reviews for In the Flesh
Perfect Carnage chapter 11 . 5/31/2015
An extended edition, and from the bits and pieces I've had time to read I see that extensions were made. I was originally going to ask where they were, but now I am more interested in the sequel.

'Come closer, I want to see you. Can you see you?' -Randall Tier

-Perfect Carnage-
Perfect Carnage chapter 5 . 11/14/2014

-Perfect Carnage
Perfect Carnage chapter 4 . 10/1/2014
It brings me great sadness to admit that your absence has indeed affected this story's place in my graces. I recognise the quality in it, and continue to see the soul within, but the memory is lost.

Mason's dismemberment was especially grizzly, and the exposition on it was fitting as well. The outer appearance to reflect the foulness that lurked beneath the surface.

Perhaps I throw this around too often, but I do enjoy the relationship between Hannibal and Will because it reminds me of my first ill-fated one. Having watched the show for a while I could recognise the roles played, but just as here, the lines blurred.

I'll say it agaiin: Will's playing a dangerous game, and he could easily fall prey to the danger of dancing on the edge. We know were this is going, but it surprises me that he is still so confident that he would disregard Jack's (actually useful) advice. The whole thing is one play within a play, Hannibal's taking a level beyond that of Will's.

-Perfected Killing -Perfected Killing Machine
enlightenedkitty chapter 3 . 9/3/2014
Excellent. Your writing captures both of their voices better than anything else I've read. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Reed James chapter 2 . 6/21/2014
Another great chapter, Jane. You really capture the tone of the TV show and both character's intelligence. Disturbing imagery, conversations steeped in multiple meaning, and wondering just how much Hannibal really knows about Will's motivations.

Have you ever read the books?
NLPublications chapter 2 . 6/23/2014
Really great, Forgot what I posted the first time, but she really captured the tone of the show.
Perfect Carnage chapter 2 . 6/21/2014
I hope you didn't think I'd forgotten about you.

The give and take between Will and Hannibal continues to rise, and as much confidence as Will has, its hard to break the sense that he may be falling too fast for it to be worth it in the end. You know what they say about fighting monsters.

He's let Hannibal's influence into the deepest part of his mind, so much so that it invades his formerly safe places. But, that just increases the enjoyment, doesn't it? I'm sure Will knows exactly what is happening to him, but is willing to take the risks. Now the reason he has for doing so may be less noble than what he keeps telling himself.

I'm looking forwards to more.

-Perfect Carnage
Perfect Carnage chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
That's something of a defeatist attitude you have. Not expecting reviews when you've really poured your soul into this project. This stands as one of the finest Hannibal fanfics I have ever read, with a quality usually wasted on one-shots. I do hope you don't lose momentum going forward. That would sour the sweet taste I had of your work.

Your portrayal of Hannibal and Will is top form. You remain faithful to the current of the show and give an accurate glimpse into the minds of the characters, without embellishing details so far as to be intrusive. It shows respect to the story and that you are capable of handling it without fumbling. I cannot comment on Alana's characterisation because I had the misfortune to miss the episodes where her relationship with Hannibal reached its peak.

I look forward to our next meeting.

-Perfection Incarnate