Reviews for The Road to Happy Ending
AshuraX chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
Good lord I love stories like this which plays with my emotions and brings the absurdity of a HonoEli brohood to life
tabltable chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
friend your english is wonderful! so much better than what i can write goshh
yes minor paring honoumi yes good
also i m loving the honoka n eri supportive brotp bc it is so good! :)
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
Well, well, soldier...

Ok, now, this was interesting!

Interesting, yes, very interesting. Quite the unique scenario here, indeed.

The build-up to the moment of truth was quite bittersweet, seeing Honoka like this, defeated, but not really, and then, doing a complete 180, and deciding to just go for all made for a very compelling, intriguing read, leading to a pretty sweet ending, even if I would've enjoyed what exactly happened there. LOL

Still, this was great! Good work, Marine!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
I will never get tired of re-reading this.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
That was a really good reading! Love this pairing. I am happy that you plan to write more for this fandom. As far as I am concerned I would really like a Nozomi/Eri story from you :)
Lucia Hunter chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
There are still quite a few grammatical mistakes and stuff, so you would probably benefit from getting a proofreader whose first language is English...

But with that said, holy crap.
This fic was absolutely gorgeous. I loved your style, and I'm totally envious of your amazing wordcraft. You've definitely done far better than authors with English as their first language (or me at least xD). You managed to capture each and every scene richly yet succinctly, and that really takes a special skill. (Are you a tumblr user? Somehow this style seems heavily influenced from there.)

If you're planning to stick around, I would definitely read your works no matter the pairings. But something NicoMaki or NozoEri would be nice hehe. P Hope to see you again soon!
Dash24zappshift chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
make more stories :D i liked it :D good story though