Reviews for Forgotten
AzKailani chapter 2 . 6/1/2004
Awesome! But, lemme say sumthin...I'm an Evan fan! Woot! *points to badge* Okay, I wasn't a total Evan fan until I taped "X-Treme Measures", and before that, I liked Kurt, then Pietro. I belong to Evan. Muhahahaha! Anyway, Evan DOESN'T get enough screen time, goshdarnit! I FINALLY got the "Powers Revealed" DVD with "Beast of Bayville" and "African Storm", and if you look, you can see that the screen writers always give him a bad angle! Like, he's only there with Beast and Storm. Grr...stupid screen writers...*shakes fist at WB*

But, if anyone's interested...I'm starting my story soon, and it's going to have Evan with a OC! Dunno when it'll be up, but, look for it!


~Evan Fan~
Yma chapter 2 . 9/2/2003
Right, this is now officially one of my favorite stories. Beautifully written, masterfully done, an awsome read. I feel so sorry for Evan!

I've gotta admit, I'm one of the guilty ones, for although I do write a bit about Erik and Charles, Jean and Beast (Well, not Beast, but I DO have a plan for a story featuring him) I don't write about Evan at all. I don't know why, I just can't get a grip on his character, or his motivations... I just can't bring myself to write him, goddamn it!

On the other hand, I do have an idea how they might bring him back. Wouldn't he make a cool replacement for Angel in any Age of Apocolypse story line? Seriously, with all this brewing, Evan could make an awsome War, or even Death.

Just an idea...

Thanks for enriching my writing life with this little ficlet. I'm gonna try to think up a plot involving the E man now... but I doubt anything will come up.

PS thanks for writing Mags so well, he's one of my favorite characters!
batE chapter 2 . 5/30/2003
This was so freaking hilarious! And a little sad, too. It's true that Evan barely got his chance as a main character in most fics, and even in some Evietro stuff, he's second banana to Pietro. I adored Magneto in this. "All I wanted was one fan fiction to myself - just one!" LOL. Excellent job.
Mrow chapter 2 . 5/19/2003

I mean, he wasn't my favourite character, but I liked him a lot!

That was really good. It was funny and sad at the same time, which is sort of hard to find. Two thumbs up and a wish for all the FCA characters to get more time in fanfiction and the show!
Amelia Silver chapter 2 . 5/8/2003
haha...funny, entertaining and completely original...certainly made me smile. Great Fic!

DJ Ranman chapter 2 . 3/15/2003
AW MAN! *blows nose and chokes* That was great! Evan was my fav character man! And now he's gone... damnit! This fic was just askin to be read, and it was a fantastic read lemme tell ya. (I read it twice) I think Magneto was my fav in it (Go man! Go avenge the Spyke-man!) Geezus, I can't believe he's gone either. And I totally agree- What about Evietro?

That was the _only_ slash paring that I ever thought was good (and I'm a guy so that's saying something). Oh man, what an injustice...

Anyway, Your stories rule! I hope you write some new ones one of these days!
Misc25 chapter 1 . 2/18/2003
awe, i was directed over here by a bud of mine and have decided that i really like this ficcy. it made me really sad because i haven't made much use of the FCA characters seen here in my few ficcy attempts. hmm i shall have to try to include them in the future.

one really good thing about these characters is that since they aren't very defined in the show they have a great potential for character development if anyone is up to the challenge. well, thats my bit.
Chrissie9 chapter 2 . 1/25/2003
AWWWWWWWWWW! I was crying! CRYING! That was so bloody good! It gave me a whole new perspective of what its got to ge like for a FCA member! *lip wobbles, tears come streaming out*. *Sniff* Why o why Evan? he was actually a really good charecter if you think about it! I mean really good! *sigh* Bloody Script writers.
Chrissie9 chapter 1 . 1/25/2003
Tahts a really good idea for a fan fic! its new and unexpected which makes the reader (ME!) want to read more! KEEP IT UP GIRLIE!
rogueandkurt chapter 2 . 11/9/2002
awwww..i like this fic. I too share the feelings about our forgotten characters; most only used to set the backround for everyone else. It wasn't until the 'X-TREME MEASURES' episode that I began to truly appreciate Evan as an EVO character, and by then it was too late. I hated that. As for the others, I hope they'll all get their time on the screen(especially Jamie-he has potential), although I doubt Rhane and Jubilation will because they were 'removed'.

Anyways, If you're upset about the Evan thing, there's still a glimmer of hope. The writers hinted that they might bring him back some day, and the didn't take him out of the opening credits yet, so there's still hope! ;)

please keep this going. It's awesome. ;)
Icy Flame chapter 2 . 11/9/2002
Very cute! I liked it a lot! It was very inspiring! I mean it gave me some ideas! It was really cool in X-Treme Measures where Ray was in there because y'know besides Bobby and Tabby none of the new recruits aren't really mentioned in it! Loved it! This was extreamlly creative! :-D Later yo
The Son of Logan and Ororo chapter 2 . 11/9/2002
One thing that you need to think about. Why would the writers take Evan out of the series just a few episodes into a new season and still leave him in the opening credits? Don't you think that would be some really stupid planning. Evan is going to be back. Maybe not within a few weeks, but the makers of X-Men Evolution will look pretty moroninc if he isn't brought back.
todd fan chapter 2 . 11/9/2002

I'll go cry now..wait, iI was nice to Evan...i gave him a girlfriend, and i gave Sabertooth a niece, and i've given Jamie a crsuh i'm a nice writer...honest :D

Well done, you write briliaantly, i'm looking forward to seeing some more of your stuff
me chapter 2 . 11/8/2002
::sniff:: P-Poor, poor Evan... and Magneto, too.
Chiru chapter 2 . 11/8/2002
...CURSE YOU! How could you make me feel guilty for not liking Evan? HOW? ...Oh dear lord... I'm part of a majority now... Must give Mags a nice side! *hurridley rushes to computer*
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