Reviews for Survivors
MySoapBox chapter 20 . 3/16/2015
Really enjoyed this story. Thanks.
Hawkin chapter 20 . 2/28/2015
This is one of the best fanfiction I have ever read. Your grasp on the characters, their motivation, their desires, everything that define them was very very good considering the knowledge you had of the TV Show. I went right through it in 2 days and I've liked it a lot. I'm now going to peruse your profile page for either more stories of yours or favorites of yours to find something that might fit my taste.

Hope you let us know if you ever do original work, if you can invent character and portray them as well as you've portrayed those, I'm going to be waiting in line for that book.
Lizzie chapter 20 . 2/2/2015
I really wish you'd write another 100 story - I enjoyed this story very much, and was hoping you would write another. Please do! You are a gifted writer!
Guest chapter 20 . 12/25/2014
You should add an epilogue or a sequel to this.
bluestriker666 chapter 20 . 12/23/2014
great job...keep it up
squaredplanet chapter 2 . 12/13/2014
Yaaas. Despite the season almost ready for its winter break I love what you've done so far. Bellamy and Raven, I can't see myself shipping them but brotp. Definitely brotp for me. Tbh even though they've only been in this chapter I already like this Kane and Abby better somehow. I mean I don't remember Kane being as understanding, you know? Anyways, awesome. Can't wait to read the rest!
Guest chapter 20 . 11/16/2014
Awesome story. Hope theres a sequel.
AllisonSwan chapter 20 . 11/8/2014
This was mindblowing-ly fantastic... I hadn't realized you had updatd because the email had gotten lost within my mail and I was purging it today and found it and got soo excited!

Everything about this is perfect... the bellamy/raven friendship, the subtle yet meaningful bellarke end. It all was glorious I totally want to re-read the fic from start to finish now... IT'S SOO SOO GOOD... You should be extremely proud of yourself!
fireflypond chapter 20 . 10/27/2014
This was a great story and I enjoyed reading all of it!
Wright chapter 20 . 10/23/2014
I'm glad that they finally admitted their feelings for each other. I was a little concerned with Bellamy's feelings toward Raven, but everything worked out. Great story. Are you planning to write a continuation now that season two has started?
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 20 . 10/22/2014
OMG! When Clarke called Bellamy out on hearing the whole conversation with Raven, I was on the edge of my seat, wondering if she was really going to go down that road. And man oh man, Bellamy did it better with that final line!

What so is this the final chapter?! Really?! Already!? (
If that's the case then 'status change' that was a really great journey for Bellamy/Raven to go on to get back their friends and then to have Bellarke get a handle of where they stood by the end of it, it was great!

Well done
Purple Pizza chapter 19 . 10/8/2014
Oooh great story! Can't wait for the next chapter! Or season two... 2015 is a long time away... but oh well!
Update soon!
Guest chapter 19 . 10/6/2014
One of my favorite stories! I've been a month long hiatus from fanfiction since college, and I was so excited I come back and see this was still being updated. :)
Ettani chapter 19 . 10/6/2014
Haven't reviewed before now cause I just read this entire story in one go. Time I probably should have spent studying but ah well...
Got to the end of the chapter, so eager to read the next one when I realised there wasn't a next one yet :(
As much as I'm a sucker for ships I like that it's not the main focus of the story.
May I ask how often you tend to update? Anyway, keep up the great work, looking forward to reading the rest! :D
bluestriker666 chapter 19 . 10/6/2014
great job...looking forward to more
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