Reviews for Control: The Epic Experiment
steadfast chapter 41 . 7/6
Good story!
Becpea chapter 41 . 3/23
This was just perfect, thank you so much! I love that it was linked into the episodes so it kept the pace and made it believable. Beautifully in character, and wonderfully AU where necessary too (which is normally not my thing but totally worked here). Love your writing, I’m off to read the rest of your work now
Becpea chapter 24 . 3/23
I’m so glad you fixed the Edora shippy nightmare! I was a little worried when this chapter started for what it might mean for S&J but I much prefer your version. Thank you!
Jamie S ONeill chapter 41 . 3/19

in the last two days I was addicted to this story. Thanks for writing it. You did a really good job.


Neroscurse chapter 41 . 8/8/2019
Good story!

And smut!
Jane anders chapter 41 . 9/12/2018
Just started reading sg-1 ff this year. Got boxed set of DVDs and finished watching Everything. I have read most of the ff stories and I think this is the best of them all. Gets right to the heart of Sam/Jack story with just enough other info to keep it interesting. If you have time and inclination...keep writing!
AgentKalGibbs chapter 41 . 8/13/2018
I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO BED THREE HOURS AGO BUT I COULD. NOT. PUT. THIS. DOWN! I will DEFINITELY be re-reading in the future! :D *bookmarked*
David Carner chapter 41 . 2/10/2018
I wandered over from the Chuck fanfics a few days ago to see if anyone had fixed the Jack/Sam situation and ran into this amazing tale. Thank you.
Northofthewall chapter 41 . 4/8/2017
Really enjoyed this, thank you.
c3lia chapter 36 . 3/15/2017
I never enjoyed the Tok'ra on the tv-show, and I actually don't enjoy it either on fanfiction... They fought the SystemLords for hundreds of years, without success... It took humans less than a decade and all was well in the universe! :) But it was important in this story... Still reading and enjoying :)
c3lia chapter 35 . 3/15/2017
I never enjoyed the Tok'ra on the tv-show, and I actually don't enjoy it either on fanfiction... They fought the SystemLords. But it was important in this story... Still reading and enjoying :)
c3lia chapter 27 . 3/15/2017
Thor's confusion about how/why Sam was there as well was funny! ;)
c3lia chapter 18 . 3/14/2017
Still reading and enjoying. This wedding chapter was borderline diabetes (way too sweet) - but still nice! :)
c3lia chapter 12 . 3/14/2017
So... the whole "massage/oil-stuff" is always way messier in real-life than in a story... And I can't really imagine that jack would have it in his room 'just in case'... but other than that detail: nice smut! :) hot, but still in character, lovely and sexy at the same time! :)
i enjoyed the detail of his "my Carter" when they 1st kissed and hers "my Jack" two chapters ago!
And I can easily see them both being a bit distracted (specially because it was an 'easy' mission); but I can't see Sam being as fragile as that (no matter how much raincold there was)... And I can't see Hammond being that mad with his best SG team-leader, just because he had let them get a bit cold... I think you were over-reaching a bit there...
But I get it - it's important because then Jack could tell her he's not giving her up, no matter what! And that's the dream: a half-dressed Jack O'Neill (circa 2000) in my bed, telling me that! :p
Still enoying the story very, very much! :)
c3lia chapter 8 . 3/14/2017
Still loving the story: the great dialogues, descriptions and characters' thoughts, and the mix between all three! :)
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