Reviews for The Many Uses of Magic
DaniNatureGirl391 chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
Finally, someone shut Killian up! (giggle) And I love Leroy's bit at the end: "I was starting to think I'd have to go across the town line, to forget this s***."
SilverNova3082 chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
oh my god i love your story
Ryunn Kazan chapter 1 . 6/22/2014
Hell yeah point for Daddy Moe!
Anakerie chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
Loving every bit of this series and can't wait to read more. If you're still looking for prompts, perhaps they could have a discussion about starting a family. Not that they have to reproduce, but it would be something a newly married couple would probably talk about. Having lost his only child, I feel like Rumple would probably love a second chance at fatherhood. I can't quite decide how Belle would feel about it, but if they're not on the same page they should probably find that out now. But whatever you write, I will be hanging on every word. Fantastic job!
Valrie chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
I still love this one is great
Erik'sTrueAngel chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
Great! Now I'm hungry for strawberries and ice cream! I blame it on you... Awesome love makin' right there and Rumple... Seriously, why can't magic exist in our world? It's a damn shame too. *grumbles* Lucky Belle. As for Hook- totally deserved that punch. Good job Moe! But I loved, LOVED Leroy's line at the very end about the town line. I could totally hear him say that. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
So glad someone punched Hook - best one to do it was, of course, Moe. And the Charmings! What tools they are! Always getting in trouble - no wonder they are forever losing and finding themselves. Can't wait for Part 5 of the Honeymoon series. Something in the car perhaps. Nothing too raunchy. I still like Belle being a little naive yet. Too many fanfics turn Belle into a Hooker - pardon the pun - shortly after losing her virginity. Smut is good, but I like to see the Romantic Rumple and the Romantic Belle. Nothing was sweeter from the wedding scene than when Rumple put his left hand on Belle's right cheek before he kissed her. That was really sweet and romantic. Way to keep the Summer Hiatus fun! Looking forward to Part 5!
Grace5231973 chapter 1 . 6/11/2014
Hook is such a pig! The sooner he is off the show the better! Unfortunetly he is liked by too many adolescent girls! Emma has hopefully learned to keep her big mouth shut! I would think the Charmings are more nauseating than Rumbelle!
Twyla Mercedes chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
Ah yes, soft restraints and ice cream 'torture' (the real torture is cleaning up the mess afterwards but I guess Rumple can just magick it all away).
Hook was being an *ss (even tho he wasn't far off the mark), glad Moe got a lick in.
Nice job.
deweymay chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
One more drink and one less punch and Hook may have started using the dwarves as mannequins to better demonstrate any kinky shit he assumes, probably correctly, the Gold's have been getting up to, pervy bastard :P

Also, high five, Ruby! Hook shot Belle! Sheesh, people, where's your sense of community outrage?!

Loved :)
AquaJasmine23 chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
OHMYGOD I love your prompt response! I cannot. Freaking. Breathe! Emma getting the explanation and then SHARING WITH HOOK... Moe French & the PUNCH:) Hook deserved that one! Leroy and Belle's relationship is so cute, I love it, and his comments are HILARIOUS.
The smut… as usual the smut was perfection, and I love the caramel- ice- cream bit, that was so wonderfully written! Kudos on this beautiful piece and can't wait for a new smutlet:) love love love this!
JosephineM chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
Oh my, I definitely shouldnt read this at work :-) I absolutely love every mention of others to Rumbelle sex life :-) :-) :-) Their reaction is priceless :-) I am enjoying every word immensely. And thank you for unbeliavable smut :-)
CharlotteAshmore chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
MEDIC! MEDIC! NEED OXYGEN! omg im going to be laughing over this one for days! and twyla and her ice cream...always a treat! lovely, dearie, truly!
Wondermorena chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
About time that idiot deserved a punch in the face. Did Emma really tell him everything? Will not be surprised if the whole town goes to see Archie the next day. Wonder if Gold doesn't mind getting dominated by Belle like she's the dark one and he is her humble servant or something.
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