Reviews for A Day Unchanging
Mariyana chapter 4 . 4/6
I like your story very much!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/13/2019
This is really good
How about you do a sequel where Maleficent and Duval get together after the 2019 movie? :) you can put a bit of jealousy in there as Borra May want “the Phoenix” (Maleficent) to be with him ;)
Goddess Millenia chapter 4 . 8/25/2018
Quite breathtaking. I always hope for more.
Angelwrath chapter 4 . 9/19/2017
Interesting ending. Very interesting. They are a sweet couple
Crys-Shia chapter 3 . 7/6/2017
Wowwww sooooo perfect the love scene of this pair!
ElleOnEarth chapter 4 . 5/14/2016
"She returned with the dawn, sweeping in as the fog rolled out." Such grand imagery! This piece is so beautifully and bewitchingly written. You should definitely consider re-visiting these two, as you're so adept at weaving the tapestry that is their tale. In fact, the blissful stars which shone in Diaval's eyes and about his mistresses skin, were likewise reflected in my own orbs as I read. Well done, winsome writer. Very well done, indeed. :)
Natsuko Toron chapter 4 . 3/30/2016
*dies* you squished my heart
Wense chapter 3 . 11/18/2015
Awesome chapter, even though I didnt really liked the initial situation. Also, I dont think Mal would have slept with Diaval if she didnt trusted him, but I find it interesting that she has some hesitations because of her past experiences
VidiAlair chapter 4 . 4/22/2015
update soon please!
I loved your fic, it's great!
laurenkeyblade chapter 4 . 1/16/2015
I hope you update this series. Very well written and imaginative. I don't want a epilogue but instead more story so we get the true depth of how their relationship turns out. Keep of the great work! :D
Guest chapter 4 . 11/17/2014
I really like this. I hope you update soon. I would like to see where it goes
raywing chapter 4 . 11/19/2014
Ah, this was so wonderful and sad. I'd love to see an epilogue after they've survived where they can be together properly.
Kitkatinahat chapter 4 . 10/15/2014
I have a feeling Diaval will recall something happened, but won't be able to place what exactly happened. Or he will be like "did I get high yesterday? I can't remember anything past me being here."
raywing chapter 3 . 8/3/2014
I really hope this will continue!
Snowdrop-143 chapter 3 . 7/13/2014
What?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS CANNOT BE THE END?! Good scene especially if it's ur first writing attempt of this particular nature :)
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