Reviews for Peace Love Biscuits
KittyKat757 chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
saddleupjep chapter 7 . 4/17/2015
This I mean, you could sell these plot points to the damn writers. I just.. you did an amazing job. Really.
Maykits chapter 7 . 2/24/2015
Nice story! Detailed, I liked all the different hunts they all went on. You developed the relationship nicely, and handled the PTSD parts if their lives well.
rainystv chapter 7 . 11/4/2014
I just found and read the whole story today, well since it's almost 1am can't say just today. I am going to be tired but it was worth it! WOW there was do much going on, and so many emotions. Hopefully you will write more stories. Thanks
GraceTheNerdyGirl chapter 7 . 8/7/2014
sfkldsfklasdflaglsdfaldsfkafaa... perfection. "Wasn't that the whole point?" Just perfect. Wow.
LadyAnalyn chapter 7 . 6/15/2014
Oh wow. I'm not even kidding, why don't you have more reviews. This was freakin' awesome. I loved it! Fantastic job! You probably could have broken them up into more chapters though because those were long. And maybe posted the chapters on different days instead of just one, you know to get more attention. That's my advice. But I really, really enjoyed this story and maybe sometime you can write a sequel?
LadyAnalyn chapter 6 . 6/15/2014
Yay Gabriel! And Chuck! What's he gonna do about Metatron though? More than a serious talking to right? He could have restored Sam's hair though, poor Sam's hair.
LadyAnalyn chapter 5 . 6/15/2014
Poor Cas. I just wanna hug him and wrap him in a blanket and give him warm cookies and cocoa. I love Benny and I'm glad you brought him in. I miss that Cajun vampire.
LadyAnalyn chapter 4 . 6/15/2014
I'm praying that Gabriel shows up, talk about needing a miracle. And Dean is Cas's angel, that's so sweet. And has Cas though about praying to Michael? Maybe he can hear him from the cage and Cas can apologize and explain and maybe Michael would forgive him and then both he and Lucifer would be pissed off at Metatron because Lucifer doesn't like anyone hurting his family except him.
LadyAnalyn chapter 3 . 6/15/2014
Dean is such a romantic, I just love him.
LadyAnalyn chapter 2 . 6/15/2014
Castiel, you are a lying liar who lies. You just don't quite realize what's you're feeling for Dean yet. Poor guy.
LadyAnalyn chapter 1 . 6/15/2014
I love disregarding season 9! It's like one of my favorite things to do these days.
AccioSteveRogers chapter 6 . 6/8/2014
I fucking knew it! I knew Gabriel and God were behind all that stuff the whole time! :) and I'm glad my baby Gabe is alive. I only wish we had some Sabriel. But honestly, I love love love your story! I stayed up until 6 in the morning reading it!